Chapter 157

Despite the turbulent three months that drove Archer to the brink of insanity, he was grateful for the life he had.

A new life where he wasn't looked down on. His wife believed in him and loved him for him, not the money or the status.

He had someone he could call a friend, a best friend, and he could take care of the people his Master left behind.

At thirty two, he was the City's most wealthy CEO, and he was still as humble as ever.

His asthma cure was a hit in the medical industry, recognized world wide, but the billions of dollars he made from the sales was not compared to the relief that his wife was no longer an asthma patient.

She was in fact, just a healthy eight weeks pregnant woman.

"I'm going to be a father soon," was Archer's new mantra.

For every decision he made, he considered his new status- Father.

Every morning he woke up, he kissed Tangie on the forehead and then progressed to the stomach and spoke to his baby until Mariah announced breakfast was ready.

This morni
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