Chapter 42

Clara is in the car sitting beside Mason, resting her head on his shoulder as the driver drives towards the airport where they will take their flight in Mason's private helicopter to California. Few days ago, her parents and siblings were among the refugees living in California. Clara has to collect the list of people abiding in California from Ukraine and she was more than excited that her parents were there. Mason wanted to see her parents and seek their daughter's hands in marriage to begin the wedding preparations.

"You were admiring the lady there, weren't you?" Clara asks jealous at the scene before her. She notices how Mason smiles at the lady often and the lady was trying to flirt with him.

"No I wasn't." Mason gulps down nothing seeing Clara's dangerous look. Is she really the jealous type?

"You were!" Clara protests and walks ahead of him to the helicopter which is a few distance from them.

"Ahh, you are prettier than her. Why will I admire her when I have you." Mason
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