
I may be on my way to securing a job at Melody Cab. It was a taxi company that caught my fancy a few days ago during a job hunt.

For over an hour, the resource personnel held me in a steamy bickering over my unkempt looks.

“Mr. Brian Patrick, it is in my interest to employ you as our taxi driver but for your looks. You look scraggly and unkempt like a bush man and if you understand this business very well you will appreciate the fact that passengers are moved by what they see. With this looks of yours our customers will be daunted.”

I had lowered my gaze  shamefully all this while he spoke to  me so as he just mentioned my unkempt looks, I became nervous to  raise it at him.

“But sir,” I protested slowly, “I thought I promised to shave as soon as you grant me a salary advance…”

 He interposed me, “Can you just listen to yourself, Mr. Brian? We have never employed any driver with a salary advance and you are not going to change that tide. Do you understand me? This is Melody Cab and efficacy is our watch word. I shouldn’t be bickering over this with you.”

 I shook my head in approval, fighting this melancholy in my head.

“Melody cab has become a house hold name in Rio Hondo. Amidst your enthusiasm to work, which I adore so much, you still look unkempt and has body odor. I am sorry to remind you that you stink.

I blinked anxiously and brought my nostrils to my body to confirm his statement. If I had body odor I never knew. It was obvious long stay in prison had given me one and it never occurred to me until now.

“Is it that you don’t know that you have body odor?” he queried at a breath and squeezed his nose.

I snorted and to limit further argument, I shook my head in concurrence. I wouldn’t mind to be reminded that I was a bastard and a nobody just like father had told me severally. What was important to me now was the job and nothing more.

“Yes sir, I know I have body odor and look unkempt, but I promise all of this will be a thing of the past If I can be given a salary advance.” I unlocked my gaze from his as I noticed the disgruntlement on his face.

“You can’t keep asking for salary advance, Mr. Brian Patrick when we don’t know your fate in Melody Cab. Your salary is five hundred dollars and I believe you are going to disappear into thin air as soon as we pay you. You shouldn’t have hope of looking good because you work for us. Looking good should be your habit.”

I tossed my head in disapproval, “No sir… no. I wouldn’t do that, in fact you can place surveillance on me. All I want to do is shave, smell nice and presentable to our passengers.”

The resource personnel snorted hugely in exhaustion. I believe I was wearing him out and he was beginning to lose his patience. He raised furrowed brow and smacked his lips.

“You are supposed to handle all of that before coming for the job opening, Mr. Brian. You don’t look mangy for a job that is synonymous to show biz. You will chase away our passengers and we want to retain patronage and make profit.”

I didn’t intend to interpose him but thought of proffering solution for my shortcomings was maddening.

“But …but sir, I am sorry for sounding like a broken record. To be sincere, I don’t have money to do all of that , I am destitute. I know I can do the job because my family needs the money

Cold tears leaked through my eyes just then and trickled down my cheeks.

I hummed before adding, “My mother is terminally sick at the hospital. Our house rent is due and we are on the verge of being sent packing. Please I need this job.”

The resource personnel slumped in his swivel chair. I could see the weakness drawn on his face.

“You mean you can’t afford at least two cents to shave? Ok what do you suggest we do to help you now?”

I went down on my knees and molded my hands to beg , “Please if you can’t give me a salary advance at least don’t deny me the job, I promise to be of good behavior and I won’t discomfort passengers with my unkempt looks and body odor. I will look good as soon as I earn my first salary.”

“Fine!” he beamed, “I will give you the job but on the condition that you shave, look good and smell nice as soon as you earn your first salary…”

I fell down to his feet and bowed in appreciation, “Thank you sir! Thank you very much, sir! I appreciate sir!”

I got the job. It was more than a dream come true. I decided to always pack my long scraggly hair into a ponytail and throw my gaze away from passengers so as not to scare them away with my maniacal irritating looks. As for the body odor, I prayed inwardly that the nostrils of passengers would be blocked from perceiving anything when around me.

Same day I got the job and drove a couple of passengers to their destinations, I got a bizarre phone call from the resource personnel. His tone wasn’t friendly over the phone, so I quickly drove down to the office.

 He scowled hugely at me, feeling repulsed by my presence, “Mr. Brian Patrick, I am sorry you are unemployable. Can I have the car keys?”

No voice had sounded so shivering and quavering. It rang repeatedly in my ears that I felt dumbfounded. But I could feel my lips tremble.

“Wh…why?” that was all I could ask through those trembling lips.

“A patriotic passenger brought to our notice that you are an ex convict and as soon as we checked up your bio data we confirmed it.”

“But… but… sir I am out of jail. I am no nuisance to the society and has never been…”

“Mr. Brian Patrick!” he called, interrupted me and narrowed his eyes at me, “You just got sacked. We can’t work with an ex convict!”

I dared to stifle my sorrow, as I raised my gaze at the ceiling. I was jaded.

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