Chapter 11.

After the party, Jason and Faith returned to his hotel room, and she didn't waste time regretting her plan and the bet. She bit on her fingers, and blinked rapidly,

“What am I going to do? What kind of deal have I made? No one has contact with these people. I'm in trouble, Grandma is going to alienate me finally! My dignity will be finally ruined” She mused loudly, almost sobbing this time, tears lodged painfully in her throat.

Jason's heart wrenched at the sight; he wanted to discard his clothes and don the socially appropriate ones to show Faith that he was indeed capable of helping her and solving all her problems, but he had chosen to help her from the sideline and give her all his support.

She needed it if she was going to stand against her grandmother and whatever she could possibly throw her way. He could see that Raphael was right about Faith, and he was going to do all he could to protect and be there for her.

He walked to her and lifted her chin, looking straight into her eyes,

“You only have to get the contract, and you'll finally gain the respect of your grandmother and all others, right?" He whispered and she nodded crisply, wiping at the corner of her eyes,

“I believe in you, you can make that happen, and I'll help you along the way. Just have faith, Faith,” he winked, trying to make a joke and lessen her nerves.

“Just relax and have a seat, I'll get you a drink to calm your nerves. Everything will work out, just trust the process." He urged her, and she nodded once again, she needed that drink as her throat had gone dry.

Jason left her and headed to the adjoining room, he took out his phone from his pocket and began typing furiously, occasionally looking back to ensure Faith was still in the position he left her,

‘Ethan Moore, I'll be sending someone's number now, I want you to call her and arrange a meeting with her, informing her that you heard she had an interest in our company.’

Having sent that, he sent a follow-up message with all of Faith's details and her position in the company. With a smile, he placed his phone back and poured the drink before heading out to meet Faith. He was certain Ethan would make the call soon and he wanted to see her face when it happened.

Jason handed the wine to her and sat across from her, he needed a full view. Less than five minutes later, Faith's phone began ringing and Jason watched as her brows furrowed when she glanced at the caller,

“Hello?" She spoke into the phone, and glanced at Jason who signed for her to place it on speaker, her brows furrowed further as she complied,

“Ms Faith?" The caller questioned and Faith nodded before she responded affirmatively,

“I'm sorry for calling this late Ma’am. My name is Ethan Moore, I'm the COO of The Greenlife Group of Companies”

At his introduction, Faith who had taken a sip of her wine, spewed it out, almost choking as she began to cough loudly, her eyes popping wide, Jason hurriedly rushed to her side, and rubbed his hand over her back,

"Sorry Ma'am. I've been informed by a close party that you're seeking an appointment with our company regarding an application. I'll be available to see you. Is tomorrow by 9 am fine for you?” the caller questioned and Faith, whose mouth was opened swallowed before she responded,

“Y-yes, it is, Sir. Thank you for this opportunity. I'll see you by 9 am sharp!"

As soon as the call ended, Faith jumped for joy, her face beaming, a total opposite from a few minutes ago. Her eyes lit up and she glanced at Jason who still had his hand on her back,

"Mr Ethan said someone close informed him. Do you think it might be Ryan Cape? It has to be him, no one else; he had told Grandmother he'd be in touch. Grandmother, Grandmother I have to call her and tell her this good news!” Faith exclaimed happily, saying different things all at once.

Jason clenched his fist that was on her back, and slid it down, his eyes reddening at her words. He had worked to help her get the appointment, yet she was going to give Ryan the praise. A fool who knew nobody in his company. He swallowed his anger, and closed his eyes in order to calm himself,

Faith quickly dialled her grandmother's number and the old wretch took a while before she picked it up,

“What is it, you insolent child?!" She snapped,

Faith was too overjoyed to hear the contempt in her voice,

“Grandmother, guess what?! I just secured a meeting with the CEO of The Greenlife Group tomorrow!!!!" She shrieked into the phone, and Mrs Rita was silent for a moment,

“Y-you said what? What did you just say?”

“That's right Grandmother! I'm going there by 9 am" she revealed, still giddy on her feet. Jason couldn't help but admit that it made him happy to see her like this; she was sweet, and the moment was sweet.

“Unbelievable" Mrs Rita exclaimed in disbelief over the phone, before she cleared her throat,

“I'm certain Ryan made that happen, he said he was going to, and he did. Unlike that useless husband of yours! I have to call and thank him”

Faith didn't respond to that, although she felt it was Ryan as well, she still wasn't entirely convinced; she glanced subtly at Jason but shook her head in denial; it wasn't possible. She concentrated on her call, eager to cut it and prepare for the meeting, until the next words from her grandmother shattered her, and weakened her knees,

“You'll be going along with Michael. I don't trust you to handle such a meeting by yourself"

Tears absently dropped from her eyes, and Jason gritted his teeth before taking out his phone to inform Ethan of the new development. He was going to beat Rita at her game.

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