The Unrefined Jason Lee
The Unrefined Jason Lee
Author: Beautiful Nana
Chapter 1.

Blue eyes glared daggers at nonchalant grey ones, and Raphael smirked at his blue-eyed protegee before rolling his eyes,

“I'm not going to let you grow old with no woman to warm your bed or have by your side. Boy, you're not going to grow up lonely like me!" he crossed his arms and stared, lips still smirking.

“You haven't called me boy in years though"

“Then don't act like one, Jason Lee. Man up and go get the bride”, Raphael retorted and chuckled, his eyes glinting as he stared at Jason. They had both come a long way from that fateful night when he had rescued a dying Jason as a child, and it was beautiful to see.

Jason stood up from his position and paced the ground, running his hand through his dark shiny hair, letting out a deep breath, he stopped and gazed at his mentor,

“You've been nagging me on this matter for years now. Ralph, I'm content where I am, I do not want to get married, I all have I need”

What he hadn't disclosed was that he was still yearning for the girl who had rescued him from the fire over thirteen years ago. He thought himself in love with her and, for years, had hoped to meet with her and thank her for rescuing him from the fire that fateful day and be with her if it was possible.

He couldn't reveal that to Raphael because the man was sure to shake some sense into him like he had attempted the last time. Thirteen years later, and he couldn't understand why Jason was still hooked on someone who could very well be a figment of his imagination.

"Pfft” Ralphael scoffed,

"Wait until you're my age, scratch that, there won't be any waiting, cause you're going to do as I've commanded” Ralphael added through his teeth.

Once again, Jason released a pent-up breath, and stared at nothing in particular; one thing was clear, if he didn't succumb to the old man’s demand, he was never going to live it down,

It was quite ironic that at twenty-eight, he was still commanded by the man who had raised him; who would believe that Jason Lee, the leader of the Great Rising Group, as well as the president of Greenlife Group, was being forced into going against his will?? Sighing deeply, he looked over at Raphael and raised his brow,

“Tell me about her, what do I need to know?"

A huge smile broke on Raphael’s face, and he beamed at Jason, winking as he did,

"Now you're talking! She's the granddaughter of one of my patients, and as far as I know, she's kind and very beautiful. Besides, I know her grandfather, and I can vouch that the man is kind, and has great wealth”

"Pfft" this time it was Jason who scoffed, and Raphael rolled his glinting eyes,

“Yeah I know, you don't need to show off. The great anonymous donor that no one ever knows about," he teased, and Jason chuckled.

Granted, his potential in law could be rich, but he was certain the man's wealth didn't come close to his. He wasn't one to toot his horn, and he liked the simple things of life.

“So where can I find this bride of mine?” Jason questioned him and Raphael beamed as he responded,

"I've sent the full address to your phone. It's at Fulton City, and you need to hurry if you want to get there in time”

Jason tilted his head to the side, to appraise his mentor who was more than a father to him, nodding he ran his hands over his shirt,

“I'll set out now then"

At his response, Raphael's eyes nearly bulged out of the sockets, and he spluttered, looking over at Jason,

“What? What's the problem?" Jason probed, gazing at a red-faced Ralphael, who was pointing at him with wide eyes, his finger dancing,

“I-is that how you plan to go?"

Jason looked over at himself, staring at his black flip-flop to see his white shirt, and shrugged,

"What's wrong with my outfit?”

"You look like a hillbilly!” Raphael retorted, and Jason burst into loud laughter, his eyes gleaming with humour,

“Well, I guess my in-laws would have to accept me that way, don't you think? They shouldn't judge a book by its covers if you say they're nice”

"I'm related to you, and I'm already judging you and your unrefined looks, boy! Do you live in a cave or what?!”

Raphael teased, waving his hands over at Jason who in turn scoffed, and then winked,

“They're about to meet the Unrefined Jason Lee then, they best be prepared. I'm capable of taking care of myself and their child, and that's all that matters."

"Call one of your men to get a befitting outfit for you, you stubborn fool!” Raphael retorted, but Jason was already at the door

He walked out the door, ignoring Raphael's taunts and laughter that trailed behind him. Jason was too stubborn, and he knew it; if his potential in-laws couldn't see past his dressings, he could imagine how shallow they must be.

Fishing his phone out of his pocket, he dialed one of his members' numbers,

"Hey Johnny, I'd need the jet prepared, I'm headed to Fulton City and would like to get there in time” he made his request,

"Gotcha, it's at the hangar waiting for you"

“Thank you, Johnny", Jason replied and ended the call, sliding into his two-seater Porsche. He was tempted to downgrade his wealth and present a shabby house as his place of living. At that thought, Jason's eyes gleamed.

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