Chapter 2.

As quickly as the thought came, Jason dismissed it, and relaxed his back on the seat, mentally preparing himself for the journey ahead.

Jason soon arrived at the airport, and headed to Fulton City in his private jet, resting his eyes as he prepared to face the next reluctant stage of his life.

Two and a half hours later, he arrived at his destination and hailed a cab. Johnny had offered to send a chauffeur and car to pick him up, but he had declined, wanting to go as normal as possible. He slid into the taxi that stopped and rubbed his palm over his face; he needed to unwind and have an alcoholic boost, one for the road, he mused.

Smiling at his joke, he ran a hand through his hair, sitting up, he informed the awaiting driver, who was stealthily watching his passenger via the rearview mirror,

‘I sure do come across different kinds of people in this line of business’ the taxi driver mused.

“Please take me to the nearest bar that serves a neat bourbon”, Jason informed, and the driver smirked.

The Red-door Tavern was filled with patrons, with the live band playing music, but the music did nothing to liven the dampened blonde that sat by the bar, nursing a scotch in hand; her fifth cup of the day.

Her eyes were teary and she constantly swallowed, wiping at her eyes. Faith Reynolds didn't exactly have much faith at the moment as she sat sulking; today had been one of the worst days ever, and there was nothing she could do about it.

Grandfather Stanley had made his decision, and she was to run with it; not only had her grandmother sideline her and had chosen Michael over her, Grandfather Stanley had decided she was to get married to a total stranger and was not to argue. Her fate was signed, sealed and delivered,

The betrothal didn't hurt as much as Grandmother Grace giving credit to Michael for all she had worked for, simply because she was female and the daughter of the black sheep of the house; it hurt, and her chest ached at the memory.

Faith just needed to unwind and drown her sorrows, hence the reason why she had found herself at a public bar, a place that was way beneath her person.

“Hey, beautiful… I could turn that frown into a moan if you let me” a hoarse voice spoke, and Faith turned her head to see a tattered drunk with brown teeth leering at her, and as their eyes met he licked his lips and smacked them, his eyes gleaming,

“Ewww, get away from me!" Faith shrieked, leaning away as she gazed at the man, subtly looking around to seek help.

“No one will come to your rescue beautiful, the whole bar might be packed but everyone is too wasted to pay attention to a damsel in distress"

He stretched his arm, and twirled his finger around her curls, causing bile to rise in Faith's throat,

"Please, just get away from me. If it's money you want, I can give it to you, please just step away” Faith thrust her purse to his face, and the man sneered,

"Beautiful, I might want your money, but I want a taste of you first, your body seems like it would gel well with mine in the sheets if you know what I mean” he winked and licked his lips once more, and Faith shuddered, and as she lifted her face, she turned ashen. Standing behind the man were three other hefty men who looked like they worked in the mine, leering at her and smacking their lips as well.

“We promise a good time, just go willingly. It's best that way," the dirty man winked, and Faith shook her head vigorously, berating herself for choosing such a dirty place to unwind.

“Don't you know that when a lady says no, she means no?"

At the sound of the voice, Faith opened her eyes and snapped her head at the man, and once again turned ashen,

This one was no different than the others, he looked a little more responsible, but he was also shabby looking, but at least with a better haircut. The leering man turned to glare at the intruder, and sneered,

“Who the hell are you, and why are you butting your ass in my business?!” he demanded, rising to his feet and shoving the intruder’s chest.

“I wouldn't do that if I were you," her unlikely hero said smugly, causing the men to laugh. The scuffle had gained the attention of some of the occupants and they watched with keen interest,

“There's going to be a brawl; I can feel it,", one patron said to his friend, who nodded in return, not breaking his glance from the scene before him.

“I'm going to tear you apart, and give your limbs to the birds of the air!" The leery man threatened, and Faith's hero tilted his head to the side with a smile,

“What now? Is this the Bible days or are you David?" He chided, laughing as he did; before he could say something else, the man lunged at him with a bottle in hand, and he swiftly dodged it and immediately carried the man from his torso and threw him over the table, crashing into the glasses.

“Get him!! Don't just stand there!" His other counterpart screamed before they all ran to attack the man, who deftly defended himself, crushing bones and breaking jaws. In less than three minutes the remaining men were on the floor, lying in an unusual position.

Her hero's eyes darted around, and he dared everyone with his eyes,

“Who else would like to come at me?!" he asked, his voice reverberating, and he got no response.

As he straightened himself up, every other patron subconsciously took a step back, gazing dazedly at him. He cleared his throat and stretched his hand to Faith, and his face broke into a small smile.

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