All Chapters of The Unrefined Jason Lee : Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
12 chapters
Chapter 1.
Blue eyes glared daggers at nonchalant grey ones, and Raphael smirked at his blue-eyed protegee before rolling his eyes, “I'm not going to let you grow old with no woman to warm your bed or have by your side. Boy, you're not going to grow up lonely like me!" he crossed his arms and stared, lips still smirking. “You haven't called me boy in years though" “Then don't act like one, Jason Lee. Man up and go get the bride”, Raphael retorted and chuckled, his eyes glinting as he stared at Jason. They had both come a long way from that fateful night when he had rescued a dying Jason as a child, and it was beautiful to see. Jason stood up from his position and paced the ground, running his hand through his dark shiny hair, letting out a deep breath, he stopped and gazed at his mentor, “You've been nagging me on this matter for years now. Ralph, I'm content where I am, I do not want to get married, I all have I need” What he hadn't disclosed was that he was still yearning for the g
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Chapter 2.
As quickly as the thought came, Jason dismissed it, and relaxed his back on the seat, mentally preparing himself for the journey ahead. Jason soon arrived at the airport, and headed to Fulton City in his private jet, resting his eyes as he prepared to face the next reluctant stage of his life. Two and a half hours later, he arrived at his destination and hailed a cab. Johnny had offered to send a chauffeur and car to pick him up, but he had declined, wanting to go as normal as possible. He slid into the taxi that stopped and rubbed his palm over his face; he needed to unwind and have an alcoholic boost, one for the road, he mused. Smiling at his joke, he ran a hand through his hair, sitting up, he informed the awaiting driver, who was stealthily watching his passenger via the rearview mirror, ‘I sure do come across different kinds of people in this line of business’ the taxi driver mused. “Please take me to the nearest bar that serves a neat bourbon”, Jason informed, and the d
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Chapter 3.
“My name is Jason Lee, and I think we need to get out of here”, he introduced himself, and Faith looked around, unsure of herself, before swallowing hard at that moment. She didn't know if it was the alcohol that was at play or the adrenaline of watching him beat up those men, but she felt a pool within her legs and felt like throwing herself at her hero. And she did just that; without a moment of hesitation, the refined Faith Reynolds threw herself on the Unrefined Jason Lee, landing her lips on his, Her lips sucking on Jason's firmly, his eyes were as wide as saucers and he stood unresponsive, not knowing what to do, and as he was about to respond, Faith disengaged their lips, and whispered seductively into his ears, “Get me out of here. I'd like to thank you properly" Jason's tips of ears and cheeks instantly turned crimson. He dazedly led them both out of the bar, with the patrons parting like the Red Sea for them. Ending up in a hotel was planned, but ending up with a s
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Chapter 4.
A few seconds later, the guard came back, dragging his feet with his head bowed a little. Jason could see him struggle, and he smiled. Raising his head, he cleared his throat, and arched a brow at the man, who muttered something in his throat, and informed him in a low voice that was a sharp contrast to his previous tone, “You're permitted to proceed. The boss is awaiting your arrival" he turned to leave after speaking, and Jason cleared his throat once more, still arching his brows, “You're just lucky you know someone in there; you're of no worth to stand before the great Stanley Renault or breathe the same air as him!" The guard responded harshly before stomping away. Jason shook his head at his behaviour and walked towards the mansion. He hadn't come with any gift to present to Sir Stanley, and he reprimanded himself mentally for failing to do so. A uniformed butler opened the door, and let him through, giving him a curt nod before leaving Jason seated in the foyer. He hadn'
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Chapter 5.
Calmy, Jason sat up straight to get on his feet, making a mental note to discuss with his affairs manager, Greenlife Group was his company, and he would do anything to help his new wife who he had found himself endeared to, He cleared his throat to clear the air, “I think I can be able to help…” but before he could continue, he was cut short by a tingling slap to his cheeks, Slap “Don't you dare interfere in family matters, you fool! What can a lowlife like yourself have to offer?! The only reason you're still here is because of Stanley, my husband; otherwise, your dirty ass would have been thrown out of my sixty million mansions!” Jason's eyes had turned cold as he lifted his gaze to Rita who dared him with hers, breathing down on his neck. He closed his eyes briefly and turned to stare at Sir Stanley who had an apologetic look on his face, subtly shaking his head. Jason rubbed his palm over his face and chuckled slightly, shaking his head. If only this insolent woman knew who s
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Chapter 6.
Sir Stanley's party was in full swing, and the gifts were yet to arrive, making Jason a little antsy, he had sent a couple of messages to Raphael and he had assured him that the gift would be delivered in time, “Distinguished ladies and gentlemen, the celebrant has a few words” the MC announced with a smile, and handed the microphone over to Sir Stanley who was seated regally in his wheelchair, Sir Stanley gave a speech of appreciation and then cleared his throat, his entire face beaming, while his face was all smiles, that of his wife and every other person was gloomy and unhappy. Jason cast a glance at Faith who was seated beside him, her face lowered and he felt a pang in his chest, before returning his attention to the ongoing speech, “As you may have all heard, my granddaughter, the favourite one at that, my sweet Faith Reynolds is engaged”, The crowd broke into applause, beaming and subtly looking to get a glimpse of Faith and her fiancé, Sir Stanley waved his hands to calm
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Chapter 7.
Sir Stanley's party was in full swing, and the gifts were yet to arrive, making Jason a little antsy, he had sent a couple of messages to Raphael and he had assured him that the gift would be delivered in time, “Distinguished ladies and gentlemen, the celebrant has a few words” the MC announced with a smile, and handed the microphone over to Sir Stanley who was seated regally in his wheelchair, Sir Stanley gave a speech of appreciation and then cleared his throat, his entire face beaming, while his face was all smiles, that of his wife and every other person was gloomy and unhappy. Jason cast a glance at Faith who was seated beside him, her face lowered and he felt a pang in his chest, before returning his attention to the ongoing speech, “As you may have all heard, my granddaughter, the favourite one at that, my sweet Faith Reynolds is engaged”, The crowd broke into applause, beaming and subtly looking to get a glimpse of Faith and her fiancé, Sir Stanley waved his hands to calm
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Chapter 8.
Mrs Rita who was still beaming, darted her gaze between the approaching delivery man and Ryan who stood beside her, she was very much aware of the delivery company and knew that they only dealt with the creme de la creme of the society and that they never delivered any goods that wasn't less than twenty million, She clasped Ryan to her side before she spoke loudly, drawing the attention of people around, “My God Ryan! You never cease to amaze me! Even though you didn't end up with Faith, here you are, about to present a luxurious gift to her grandfather. You're such an honorable man, and I'll always choose and refer to you as my son in law" Ryan's brows creased, and he blushed, almost shifting from foot to foot; he didn't understand what Mrs Rita was driving at; he had only approached her to inform her of his exit, with a promise to send Sir Stanley’s gift later, although the old fool wasn't deserving of it. He nodded and smiled back weakly, knowing better than to talk, “I won
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Chapter 9.
Mrs Rita was the one to break the tense silence as she gazed at the delivery man, whose cheeks had tinged. He didn't want to offend any of the high social people. Mrs Rita broke through his state as she spoke up clearly, “Sir! You have to clear up this shenanigan, so I can put this fool in the right place! Whose name is on the sender tag?!" She asked loudly, and the delivery man heaved deeply, almost turning blue, his eyes darting between the two men. Faith nearly scoffed but said nothing else, wondering what he could possibly present that would impress her materialistic grandmother, and he didn't seem like one to be able to afford her grandmother’s taste. At that same moment, Ryan Cape got to his feet, with his hands in his pocket, he strutted towards Sir Stanley and Rita's table, with a small smile on his face, Rita who had seen him approach, smiled widely and spread her arms to receive him with a hug, just as the door barged open, distracting the party and causing everyone to tur
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Chapter 10.
Jason smirked; what she didn't know was that it was his company, one of many others, and he had the power to help elevate her status in her family, but like all others, she didn't know what he was worth. The majority of them had looked down on him because he wasn't flamboyantly dressed like the elite; practically judging a book by its covers,Faith was different; though she was reluctant to this union, she was willing to keep to her words, and he was going to do everything to help her out and prove herself to her grandmother.He smiled at her and nodded, while her eyes glared slightly at him, she was wondering what could make him smile after making such a ridiculous statement,Still, Jason smiled at her and nudged her slightly, his eyes twinkling as he watched her. He equally lowered his voice and responded,"Just tell her." He straightened himself to his full height, and smirked before he continued,“I'll help you; I know a few people who can make it happen, the meeting, and more.
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