Chapter 9.

Mrs Rita was the one to break the tense silence as she gazed at the delivery man, whose cheeks had tinged. He didn't want to offend any of the high social people. Mrs Rita broke through his state as she spoke up clearly,

“Sir! You have to clear up this shenanigan, so I can put this fool in the right place! Whose name is on the sender tag?!" She asked loudly, and the delivery man heaved deeply, almost turning blue, his eyes darting between the two men.

Faith nearly scoffed but said nothing else, wondering what he could possibly present that would impress her materialistic grandmother, and he didn't seem like one to be able to afford her grandmother’s taste.

At that same moment, Ryan Cape got to his feet, with his hands in his pocket, he strutted towards Sir Stanley and Rita's table, with a small smile on his face, Rita who had seen him approach, smiled widely and spread her arms to receive him with a hug, just as the door barged open, distracting the party and causing everyone to turn in the direction of the door.

The delivery man glanced at the tag in his hand and back at the men in question, on one hand, they were both well built, but one of them, the one who was claiming to be the sender looked like he could actually afford it, he was well dressed, his shoes spoke of money, whereas the other one looked like one who was begging to be fed,

“Young Man! Get it out, we don't have all day!" Sir Stanley spoke loudly, interrupting the train of thoughts of the man, and he winced. Sir Stanley smiled to himself, he was very much aware of who could afford and present that gift to him and was grateful, but it wasn't in his place to let the cat out of the bag, he swallowed and scratched at his temple,


"We already know the individual, so talk already!” Mrs Rita snapped and the man nodded numbly,

"Uhmm, it's from a Mr Raphael Jones for a Mr Jason Lee"

“Huh?! Unbelievable!"

“Must be a mistake!"

Every head snapped in Jason's direction, and Mrs Rita gaped dazedly, her eyes blinking rapidly. Was it that she was too quick in judging the character of this man? She shook her head in disbelief, she prided herself on being intuitive, and this fellow didn't seem like one who could afford his next meal.

Ryan was fuming, his entire face reddening at the disgrace, seething, he bit hard on his lower lips, billowing smoke from his nose,

“My gift must still be on its way, as I have ordered this same gift,” and then he turned to scowl at Jason. Meanwhile, Sir Stanley subtly scoffed and rolled his eyes; he knew better.

"But tell us, how can a pauper like you be able to afford such niceties?!” Ryan questioned and Jason shrugged,

"Raphael is a friend who owes me one or two favors,” and everyone else scoffed at his response.

Jason wasn't about to let on that Raphael was indeed more than a friend, but his mentor and father as well,

Hearing his response, Mrs Rita hissed loudly and rolled her eyes; of course, the fool couldn't afford such things, but she wondered once again how he had friends who could afford things like that; he had declared that he was in between jobs, that only meant that the fool was as jobless as his looks.

Ryan noticed the conflicting look on Mrs Rita’s face and made to reform his reputation, he wasn't going to let the woman sway to the fool's side,

“This Raphael Jones is a longtime friend of my family, I'll make sure to call him and get to the root of all of this!" He threatened and Mrs Rita nodded in support, her gaze resting on Ryan,

“Yes, yes my son, do that! I wouldn't let a bastard like this fool take me for a fool” she muttered a little loudly, cringing at the thought.

Ryan nodded; he was getting through to Reynolds' matriarch; he didn't care about the patriarch cause he was confined to his wheelchair and had left the affairs of their business to Mrs Rita.

He turned to Mrs Rita, he needed to make his exit while his dignity was still intact, he smiled at her and nodded,

“Grandmother, I need to take my leave now. Be rest assured that I'm on the Greenlife Group matter and will get back to you with positive feedback" he grinned, and Rita nodded heartily, pulling him for a warm hug.

He turned to Jason and scowled, hatred evident in his eyes before he spoke up,

“You better watch your back, you pauper! I won't let this insult slide!" He spat at Jason and returned a sweet smile at Mrs Rita,

"Take Care, Grandma. I'll be in touch,”

“Thank you, Son," she hugged him warmly before she turned to Jason and Faith's direction and sneered, glaring intensely at Faith,

“See? Just see how foolish you are. Losing a potential and highly influential rich man for a church rat. You constantly disgrace me, Faith”

Her grandmother tsked, and Faith's face reddened, her eyes going misty. Jason didn't like seeing her that way, and so he whispered gently into her ears,

"Tell her you're going to do your best to get the appointment and contract from Greenlife Group”

Faith's head snapped, and she gaped at him; she wasn't sure she heard properly, so she gaped at him with an open mouth.

She needed to know if he was sane. Everyone knew how tough a conglomerate, Greenlife Group, was, and other huge companies had vied for contracts with no help or hope, yet Jason was confidently telling her to deliberately put herself in trouble. By that announcement, it was tantamount to digging her grave. Reynolds Holdingz didn't hold a candle to some of the companies that had been rejected by Greenlife Group.

Swallowing harshly, she lowered her head, lowering her voice as she spoke,

“Are you insane? Those people rarely do business with anyone!”

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