Chapter 8.

Mrs Rita who was still beaming, darted her gaze between the approaching delivery man and Ryan who stood beside her, she was very much aware of the delivery company and knew that they only dealt with the creme de la creme of the society and that they never delivered any goods that wasn't less than twenty million,

She clasped Ryan to her side before she spoke loudly, drawing the attention of people around,

“My God Ryan! You never cease to amaze me! Even though you didn't end up with Faith, here you are, about to present a luxurious gift to her grandfather. You're such an honorable man, and I'll always choose and refer to you as my son in law"

Ryan's brows creased, and he blushed, almost shifting from foot to foot; he didn't understand what Mrs Rita was driving at; he had only approached her to inform her of his exit, with a promise to send Sir Stanley’s gift later, although the old fool wasn't deserving of it. He nodded and smiled back weakly, knowing better than to talk,

“I wonder what Ryan got"

“Whatever it is, just know that it'll trump almost everyone's gift, if not all" one guest observed to another, while they all watched as the delivery man smiled and presented the wrapped package to Sir Stanley,

“I have a package for Sir Stanley Reynolds, from a Mr R…”

"Of course it’s from Ryan here" Mrs Rita quickly interjected, and grabbed the gift off her husband's hand, tearing into it, as she tore it open, her hands began trembling and she blinked rapidly, gasping as she did before she turned to Ryan and back at Sir Stanley,

“I-it an exclusive custom-made AceTate watch! Not only that but a D’ador Scotch! My God Ryan! You've outdone yourself!”

She exclaimed, covering her mouth while the guests gasped with their eyes popping out. Jack, Faith's father, hurried to his feet to glance at the item, and his eyes widened when he saw them before he glanced at Ryan and back at his father, regret chewing at his heart.

The delivery man's brows furrowed and he glanced at the parcel and subtly at the tag in his hand; the delivery wasn't from any Mr Ryan. He didn't understand what the woman was talking about, and he was certain his company could never make such a mistake. He took a step forward,

“Ma…there's been a mix…”

"I'm glad you like and approve of them, Grandmother Rita. It wasn't easy for me to get these gifts, but it was worth it for Sir Stanley.” Ryan quickly interrupted the man, knowing fully well that he was about to clear the misunderstanding.

He smiled stealthily and went on,

“Not only that, but I've been able to speak to someone in Greenlife Group, and not to worry, you should be expecting an invitation soon," he announced with a puffed-out chest, and Mrs. Rita clapped heartily, almost jumping on her feet.

“I knew I could count on you!" She turned to look at the direction Faith was seated,

“Faith, can you see the gem you missed out on, for common trash!”

Jason took that as his moment to correct the mistake, he stood to his full height in front of Mrs Rita and cleared his throat, immediately she snapped her head in his direction and scowled,

“Ma’am, I believe there's been a mistake. The presented gifts are from me”

Loud laughter and snorts filled the air as people doubled over in laughter, laughing to their heart's content. Mrs Rita and Ryan were one of them; although he was a little hesitant, he was brave. Mrs Rita stared at Jason incredulously and snorted,

“D-did I h-ear you clearly? You claim these multi-million gifts are from you?" She sputtered through her laughter, clutching at her aching stomach. Jason gave a brisk nod and the woman snorted once more while some guests rolled their eyes.

Mrs Rita walked up to Jason, and lifted her chin to gaze at him,

“Remind me again, what do you do for a living Sir" Jason sighed before he responded,

“I'm in between jobs Ma’am"

Another round of laughter broke out at his response and Mrs Rita smirked before she poked her finger into Jason's chest,

“Do you see how ludicrous you sound Dear Grandson in law?! How can a pauper like you, a jobless nonentity, be able to afford such luxury?! Huh?" She asked with legs apart, glaring into his eyes.

Faith who was now standing beside Jason, tried to come to his defense,

“It must be a mixup, Grandma. I think Jason here made an honest mistake"

“Honest mistake my foot! I can't let your lowlife husband insult my esteemed guests and get away with it! How dare he try to play on our intelligence!" She asked, stomping her foot as she spoke,

“Don't touch me you old fool!" Mrs Rita snapped at Sir Stanley who was trying to caution her.

Ryan, who was scared of getting disgraced stepped forward and shoved Jason's chest,

“How dare you try to steal my shine, you bastard?! How dare you lay claim to what's not yours!" He demanded, spittle flying in different directions,

Jason took a step forward and equally poked at Ryan's chest,

“Can you prove that the gifts are indeed from you?!" He asked with raised eyebrows, and Ryan scoffed in disbelief although his cheeks tinged,

“That's preposterous! Of course, I can; after all, I'm the one who bought them and had them delivered!"

Jason chuckled and shook his head,

"Well then, prove it. What's the name on the parcel?”

By this time, everyone was invested in the scene, and was looking with undivided attention, beads of sweat began appearing on Ryan's face, and he dabbed at it,

"W-what d-do y-you mean? It's my name of course!” As he spoke, he straightened himself and sneered at Jason, swallowing hard as he did.

At his response, all eyes turned to the delivery man; after all, he was the only one who could solve the mystery.

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