Chapter 3.

“My name is Jason Lee, and I think we need to get out of here”, he introduced himself, and Faith looked around, unsure of herself, before swallowing hard at that moment. She didn't know if it was the alcohol that was at play or the adrenaline of watching him beat up those men, but she felt a pool within her legs and felt like throwing herself at her hero.

And she did just that; without a moment of hesitation, the refined Faith Reynolds threw herself on the Unrefined Jason Lee, landing her lips on his,

Her lips sucking on Jason's firmly, his eyes were as wide as saucers and he stood unresponsive, not knowing what to do, and as he was about to respond, Faith disengaged their lips, and whispered seductively into his ears,

“Get me out of here. I'd like to thank you properly"

Jason's tips of ears and cheeks instantly turned crimson. He dazedly led them both out of the bar, with the patrons parting like the Red Sea for them.

Ending up in a hotel was planned, but ending up with a stranger wasn't. That night, Jason found himself having a passionate night with a beautiful woman whose name he didn't even know.

Morning came, and as he turned to place a kiss on her lips, he met a cold, empty bed; he groaned in frustration. There was something about her that he couldn't get over and he wondered why.

Jason had spent two days in Fulton City, and every search for the lady at the bar had proved abortive, he had given up and decided to chase after the business that had brought him over in the first place,

Dressed in a casual linen beige shirt, washed-out jeans and simple black sandals, he hailed a taxi and headed over to the address of his betrothed that Raphael had sent to his phone.

As he arrived at his destination, he released a deep breath, it was time to face the inevitable. The mansion was a huge monstrosity and Jason arched his brow at the sight. He couldn't understand people's ostentatious pleasure in displaying wealth, the simple things of life were more his style, shaking his head he approached the gate,

Just as he was about to ring the bell and also call Raphael for some advice, a loud gruff voice suddenly attacked him,

“Hey Peasant! Where do you think you're going?!” The man snarled, sneering at Jason. Jason rolled his eyes and huffed, he wasn't expecting such a welcome,

“I'm here to see Stanley Reynolds, he's…”

"Who the hell are you to address my boss in such a rude manner?! With such informality!” The man interjected in a thunderous voice, Jason feared the voice would pull down the heavens,

"He's expecting me” he simply responded and the guard burst into a deep laughter, clutching at his stomach,

"S-so y-you c-can beg for alms as usual?!” The guard responded, amidst his laughter,

"Not to worry, for cases like yours, I've been given a daily amount to give to beggars who show up unannounced at our door. Just you hold on, I'll get your money" the guard added, laughing still, his eyes filled with amusement.

Jason huffed and shook his head, he felt insulted but wasn't going to say anything to a guard who felt he was just doing his job, albeit rudely,

“Contrary to what you may think, I'm not here to beg for alms. I have an appointment with Sir Stanley Reynolds, and I'm here to see him,” he replied firmly, with his arms crossed as he gazed intently at the guard, who scoffed in return.

"If you truly have an appointment with my boss, then I must be King of England” the man retorted, eyeing Jason in disdain. Blocking his path and refusing to move,

"Could you please just check your log book or call someone to confirm? I don't mind, I'll wait” Jason responded, trying to broker peace and be the voice of reason, but the guard snarled at him,

“I will do no such thing! I know your type!" the man glared,

"Look around you, just look around you! Does this place look like somewhere you can freely enter, or does it look like a place for people like you?! A person dressed as miserly as you are?!” He added, eyeing Jason further.

Jason sighed and rubbed his hand through his face; it was obvious there wasn't any getting through the goat-headed fellow. He needed an alternative; confronting the fool-headed being wasn't necessary, as he had to make a good first impression.

Thinking on his feet, he quickly dialled Raphael to inform him of the situation,

“So what do you think? Do you like what you see?" was Raphael’s greeting over the phone, and Jason wanted to do nothing else but roll his eyes, but he scoffed,

“I wish. Some enthusiastic guard wouldn't let me through” he mumbled, and he could hear Raphael howl with laughter over the phone, this time he rolled his eyes,

"When you dress like some sort of hillbilly or whatnot. How would he know you're capable of employing him and hundreds of his colleagues? Rivero Reids was begging to dress you but you refused.” Raphael subtly chided, and Jason huffed,

“Now isn't the time", Jason mumbled in reply and scoffed as he heard Raphael sigh.

“I'll inform Sir Stanley. I'm sure it'll be rectified", he offered, and Jason mumbled his gratitude before cutting off the call.

Turning back to face the guard who was still sneering and scowling at him. Jason winked at him, and began to mentally count down to his change in attitude,

The ringing of a phone sliced through the tense air, and the guard threw one more glance at him before hurrying to pick up the call in his cubicle. From his position, Jason could see the man turn beet red and muttered a couple of No Sir, and Apologies Sir, and he smirked.

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