Chapter 4.

A few seconds later, the guard came back, dragging his feet with his head bowed a little. Jason could see him struggle, and he smiled. Raising his head, he cleared his throat, and arched a brow at the man, who muttered something in his throat, and informed him in a low voice that was a sharp contrast to his previous tone,

“You're permitted to proceed. The boss is awaiting your arrival" he turned to leave after speaking, and Jason cleared his throat once more, still arching his brows,

“You're just lucky you know someone in there; you're of no worth to stand before the great Stanley Renault or breathe the same air as him!" The guard responded harshly before stomping away.

Jason shook his head at his behaviour and walked towards the mansion. He hadn't come with any gift to present to Sir Stanley, and he reprimanded himself mentally for failing to do so.

A uniformed butler opened the door, and let him through, giving him a curt nod before leaving Jason seated in the foyer. He hadn't leaned on the seat when a voice broke through the silence,

“Who the hell are you, and what are you doing sitting on my five hundred thousand dollar sette?! Will you get your ass off my seat?!" the woman's voice thundered, and Jason raised his head to see her, standing to his feet, his eyes widened as he saw her coming behind the woman who had been rude,

He gaped at her, his face turning ashen as he strode towards them; Jason remained speechless and motionless as he watched her until she raised her head to stare.

The silence that engulfed the room was deafening. Jason sat still in his seat, taking it all in, their hateful glances, and snarls. He was in a room filled with people who were disgusted at his sight, he could tell from their snide talks and snarls.

Jason was yet to say anything after Stanley's declaration, war had let loose, with the women screaming down the house and the men venting, but through the raging storm, Jason had remained calm,

He said nothing at all while he watched them, casting a glance to his intended wife, who coincidentally had been the woman from the previous nights, the one whom he had saved and ended up in bed with. Faith was her name, and she was his wife-to-be. Safe to say Raphael hadn't done her description justice; she was as beautiful as the sun, and he was surprised to know such beauty and had come in contact with her.

‘What a small world’, Jason mused, lifting his head to stare at Faith. Her face was stoic, but he could see her irritation behind her eyes. With a sigh, he rested his back on the seat, losing himself in his thoughts, and trying to mentally block the snide comments from his potential in-laws,

“You've got to be kidding me"

“Just look at him, Mother might have to change that upholstery once he leaves. Such filth"

“I can't believe Grandfather is being so stubborn, and even Faith is a fool to agree to be married to such a disgusting fellow! For a million dollars, I wouldn't even accept to be with him! He stinks, I can smell his stench from here,”

“My daughter isn't getting married to that thing Jack! You had better talk to your father! Be useful for once in your life, you spineless being!” his potential mother-in-law berated her husband while glaring at Jason, who had lifted his face to meet her stare, and he winked at her, causing Rita to gag.

But the slamming of a fist had him startled, taking his eyes off Rita, he looked up immediately, it was Faith's grandmother and he could see her chest heaving, the steam that was emanating from her nostrils,

“Stanley, since you've put your foot down that Faith has to be married to this demented fool, this filthy ragged fellow…” while she spoke, she jabbed her hands in Jason's direction, looking at him with a sneer. She turned to look at Faith who had a face lowered, and then turned to face her husband again,

"I have demands of my own. After all, since your illness, I've been the one handling our businesses, and I dare say I've managed it well. Faith…” she called out, causing the slightly shivering woman to lift her head,

“Y-yes Gra-grandma?” Faith stuttered in response, wringing her fingers together. Jason noticed her nerves and didn't like it, he wanted to take her out of this pond filled with piranha fishes and take her to safety. He sat while listening to what the woman had to say,

“Since you've agreed with your grandfather to marry this filth” she sneered at Jason and returned her gaze to Faith,

"I won't stop you, but for you to remain in The Reynoldz Holdingz, you'll have to prove yourself, and if you're unable to do that, consider yourself no longer part of the company! I would love to say no longer part of the family, and you better believe I'm tempted to say that!”

Jason watched as Faith winced and swallowed before she nodded,

“Ok, grandma. W-what would you have me do?"

Faith asked in a quiet voice, and the room was still with bated breath as everyone's eyes rested on Grace Reynolds, she sneered,

“You going to help us in securing a contract with The Greenlife Group of companies”

Immediately she spoke, everyone around gasped, while Jason sat upright on his seat, getting a little more interested and invested with this clause,


"Grandma! You know that's almost impossible. They haven't done business with anyone in years!”

"Yes Grandma, you know this! All our contract applications have never been responded to”

Faith's father and someone else retorted simultaneously, but Rita Reynolds ignored them, Jason looked past her to Faith whose lips were trembling,

“G-grandma, it's practically im-possible. I would…”

"That's my only clause! If you can't get that done, then forget about working in our company. Besides, I think you should suffer the consequences of your choice by accepting to be with this lowlife!” Rita thundered and bared her teeth at Jason.

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