All Chapters of The Unrefined Jason Lee : Chapter 11 - Chapter 12
12 chapters
Chapter 11.
After the party, Jason and Faith returned to his hotel room, and she didn't waste time regretting her plan and the bet. She bit on her fingers, and blinked rapidly, “What am I going to do? What kind of deal have I made? No one has contact with these people. I'm in trouble, Grandma is going to alienate me finally! My dignity will be finally ruined” She mused loudly, almost sobbing this time, tears lodged painfully in her throat. Jason's heart wrenched at the sight; he wanted to discard his clothes and don the socially appropriate ones to show Faith that he was indeed capable of helping her and solving all her problems, but he had chosen to help her from the sideline and give her all his support. She needed it if she was going to stand against her grandmother and whatever she could possibly throw her way. He could see that Raphael was right about Faith, and he was going to do all he could to protect and be there for her. He walked to her and lifted her chin, looking straight into h
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Chapter 12.
The next day, Faith and Michael arrived at the Greenlife Group with Faith’s heart a little heavy and weary. She had so much to prove to her grandmother, yet her grandmother had ensured Michael tagged along.Michael glanced at her staring at the building and sneered,“Are you going to stand here all day, or are we going to make a move and proceed? After all, you claimed they called you, well let's move it," he sneered at her, and Faith huffed before pushing herself to the entrance.Jason, who had encouraged her to take the lead, was nowhere in sight; even if he was, she doubted he could do anything about it. Heaving a sigh, Faith rubbed her damp hand through her clothes, straightened herself, and strut with confidence through the doors of the company,As they walked in through the doors, a man dressed in a crisp and elegant suit walked towards them with wide steps, smiling as he did. He stretched his hand to Faith and beamed at her, completely ignoring Michael who was right beside her
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