The Unstoppable Celebrity Ex-Husband
The Unstoppable Celebrity Ex-Husband
Author: Anderson A.O
Chapter 001

Lady Williams sits in the living room, watching her youngest child, Ruby, on the television. She eagerly waits to hear about Ruby's latest achievement as an actress.

"That's my wife. I'm so happy, and I'm sure she's going to win," Liam says excitedly.

Lady Williams, Liam's mother-in-law, laughs heartily, looks down at Liam, and snaps, "Get out of here right now and slice some apples for me. You're such a disgrace to the family.”

Liam is married to Ruby, the actress. He has worked hard, doing endless tasks and being treated like a servant. He has supported Ruby's acting career out of love.

Liam feels humiliated right in his own house. This has been his life for the last three years. He clenches his fists tightly, trying to swallow the humiliation from Lady Williams's outburst. But for the love he has for his wife, Ruby, he rushes into the kitchen to do Lady Williams’s bidding.

The soft hum of the refrigerator and the rhythmic chopping of the crisp apple are the only sounds in the kitchen.

Suddenly, his phone starts ringing. Liam wipes his hands on a towel and glances at the screen. His face lights up when he sees it’s Lilia, his ever-efficient manager.

Liam quickly answers the call. "Lilia, what's up?" he asks, trying to hide his weariness.

"Sir, I've got great news!" Lilia's voice is full of excitement as it comes through the phone.

"Congratulations on your wife's nomination for the Best Actress award at the Fishford Prize," Lilia announces, her tone crisp and professional.

A smile spreads across Liam's face, momentarily wiping away the sting of the humiliation he just faced from the Williams family. "Thank you, Lilia. Keep the publicity going strong. I want Ruby's name on everyone's lips and in every headline. And make sure the next film showcases her talent: only Ruby's talent," he says with a note of finality.

There's a brief pause on the other end. "And what about the lead, sir? Remi Laurents?" Lilia asks.

Liam hesitates for a moment, thinking about Lilia's question. Remi Laurents is a respected actor in the industry, and pairing her with Ruby could elevate Ruby's status even more. But his protective instincts kick in—he wants the spotlight to be only on Ruby.

His voice turns cold as he replies, "Remove her from the cast. I don’t want Ruby sharing the spotlight with anyone, especially not Remi. Do you understand?"

"Understood, sir! I'll take care of it. It's always a pleasure to serve you," Lilia responds.

Suddenly, Lady Williams’s angry voice interrupts, "How long does it take you to slice a damn apple?"

Liam freezes, the phone still pressed to his ear. He quickly hangs up, grabs the sliced apples, and hurries out of the kitchen. He hands them to Lady Williams, trying to hide the frustration boiling inside him.

"Put it down," Lady Williams sneers, pointing to the coffee table, her eyes glued to the TV.

Liam follows her gaze to the TV and sees Ruby, his wife, beautifully dressed and holding the award in her hands. His heart swells with joy, knowing how much he has supported her career as an actress. Ruby’s confident and gracious voice fills the room as she begins her acceptance speech.

Liam smiles, feeling satisfied, knowing that Lilia has done a great job, largely because of his own efforts in carefully manipulating the industry to ensure Ruby's success.

"Oh, that’s my girl. She is finally getting the recognition she deserves after so many years," Lady Williams says, staring lovingly at her daughter on the screen.

"Yes, it is a great achievement," Liam replies with admiration for his wife.

Lady Williams's gaze snaps to him, her eyes filling with anger. But Liam, focused on the television, is oblivious to his mother-in-law’s disapproving look.

“Don’t just stand there in front of the TV,” Lady Williams snaps. “Start cleaning the living room. There’s dust everywhere. Can’t you do something right without being pushed?”

“Yes, ma’am,” Liam replies quietly.

“You are useless; you can’t do anything right,” she continues harshly, not even glancing away from the screen. Liam's jaw tightens, and his hand forms a fist as he glares at Lady Williams, but he stays silent. He quickly leaves the living room, determined not to miss the award ceremony on TV.

Liam returns to the living room and begins cleaning, his eyes frequently darting to the TV. His heart swells with pride as he watches his beautiful wife, Ruby, bask in the recognition she deserves. He hopes that with Ruby’s rising fame, she might start to see him differently. In the three years of their marriage, they’ve never been truly close, and Liam holds onto the hope that her success might bring them closer.

Three years ago, Liam had saved the family patriarch, Blake Williams, from bankruptcy. He overheard some investors plotting to bring Blake down and intervened just in time to save the family business.

As a reward, Blake decided to marry his daughter Ruby off to Liam. Despite opposition from everyone else, Blake felt he owed Liam and ignored their objections. Since then, Liam has been at the mercy of the Williams family, constantly berated for his lack of prospects and background. Lady Williams never misses a chance to treat him worse than a dog.

Ruby shines on the screen, her smile captivating. This is the moment Liam has been waiting for.

“My deepest thanks go first to my mother for her unwavering support and love. She has been my greatest strength,” Ruby says, as the audience applauds.

“To our brilliant director, I am endlessly grateful for his vision and guidance.”

As Ruby continues her speech, she expresses her gratitude to her colleagues and friends who have stood by her throughout her career.

Liam watches from the side, a sense of pride swelling within him. Seeing Ruby so happy and accomplished makes all the hardships he endured feel worth it. He takes a deep breath, convinced that despite everything, it has all paid off.

"And to the one person who has been my rock, my confidant, my everything," Ruby’s voice trails off, and Liam's heart begins to race. This has to be his moment. Who else could she mean? He’s been the one to stand by her through all the ups and downs.

Ruby’s eyes seem to lock onto the screen, and for a moment, it feels as though she’s looking straight at him. Liam’s heart skips a beat as he imagines the affection in her eyes.

But suddenly, his phone rings, breaking the moment. “What are you still doing here? Go find something to do,” Lady Williams sneers. Despite her harsh tone, Liam can’t shake the joy he feels, believing Ruby has just acknowledged him as her everything. He hurries out of the room to check his phone, still basking in the glow of what he thinks is his wife’s recognition.

Back on the TV, the applause grows louder as the camera pans across the audience, landing on Rowan Beckett. He stands, blushing under the spotlight, while Ruby looks at him with a look that says he’s the only one who matters. Unknown to Liam, Ruby wasn’t talking about him at all.

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