Chapter 002

Liam’s happiness knows no bounds. He believes his wife has declared him the most important person in her life. Unaware that she actually praised someone else in the crowd, he gazes at his reflection in the mirror, a smile spreading across his face, thrilled to think he is the center of his wife's universe.

He answers the call, his tone cheerful. It’s his manager, Lila, on the line. She has watched the entire awards show and saw that Ruby acknowledged someone else.

"Prepare a transfer agreement for the company's shares and send it over," Liam instructs Lila.

"But sir," Lila starts, wanting to tell Liam what she witnessed during the ceremony.

“No buts, Lila. Just do as I say, and please don’t question my decisions again,” Liam says, his voice firm and commanding, reflecting his position as the owner of the largest entertainment company in New York City.

Lila hesitates, then replies, “Yes, sir.”

Liam ends the call and takes a deep breath, still riding the wave of joy from Ruby's success. He looks at his reflection once more, his happiness knows no bounds.

Liam decides to surprise her with a romantic evening. "Yes, I need to celebrate with her properly," he says to himself. 

He rushed to the market to buy fresh ingredients, carefully selecting the best ones as if he were a seasoned chef. He hurries back to the house, eager to create a special meal just the way Ruby likes it.

In the kitchen, Liam works with precision and care. He chops, dices, and seasons the ingredients like a master chef. Soon, the rich aroma of sauce fills the air. 

He’s preparing chicken piccata, with tender chicken breasts with a crispy coating and a tangy lemon sauce.

For dessert, he bakes a chocolate lava cake, confident it will impress his wife. 

Once everything is ready, he sets the table with fine china, crystal glasses, and a sprinkle of rose petals. He places candles across the table, creating an intimate atmosphere for his beloved Ruby.

Liam steps back to admire his work, pleased with the outcome. The table looks beautiful, and the aroma of the meal fills the room. He double-checks everything to ensure the presentation is perfect.

Sitting down, Liam waits patiently for Ruby, the ticking of the clock the only sound in the room. His heart beats faster with each passing second. When the clock strikes nine, unable to wait any longer, he reaches for his phone and dials Ruby's number.

"What is it?" Ruby snaps as soon as the line connects, catching Liam off guard with her harsh tone.

"I… I… was thinking…" he stammers, suddenly losing his words.

"No thinking. I won’t be back until tomorrow," she says coldly, her tone draining all the excitement from Liam.

"Okay, but is everything fine?" he asks, trying to hide the worry in his voice.

"Yes, perfectly fine," she answers hastily.

Suddenly, Liam hears a deep voice in the background, and his mind races with confusion. "Where are you?" he asks, trying to make sense of what he just heard.

"Darling, I’m at the bar with my colleagues, celebrating. Don’t worry, I’ll be back before you know it, tomorrow morning. Bye, love you," she says quickly before hanging up the call.

Liam stares at the phone in his hand, confused, trying to process what just happened. 

He looked at the beautifully set table, the candles flickering softly, the rose petals scattered across the tablecloth. 

The romantic evening he had planned now feels empty, his heart heavy with unanswered questions. Who was that voice he heard in the background? Why did Ruby sound so distant? He tries to push the thoughts away, telling himself that she’s just out celebrating her success, but a nagging doubt creeps in, refusing to be ignored.

Liam’s phone dings with a message notification. It’s a photo of his wife kissing another man outside a bar. 

Liam’s hand shakes as he looks at the photo. The romantic dinner he prepared sits cold on the table, forgotten. He paces the room, feeling angry and betrayed. He has done so much for Ruby, he has sacrifices, love and now it feels like it was all for nothing.

He dialed her number, trying to reach her, but her phone was off.

Panic sets in as he replays the image in his mind. Who is this man? How long has this been happening? Liam feels both betrayed and helpless. The world he thought he built with Ruby now seems to be falling apart.

He tries calling her again, but the phone stays off. 

He looks at the photo again, unable to believe it. "No, this can’t be my wife," he mutters as he zooms in on the picture, hoping he’s mistaken. But there’s no denying it, it’s her. The woman he loves, the woman he has sacrificed everything for, is kissing another man.


Rowan and Ruby enter a luxurious presidential suite in a high-end hotel. The moment they step in, the tension is palpable. Rowan’s eyes lock with Ruby’s, and he kisses her passionately, making her shiver. His lips move down to her neck, causing her to moan softly. He pulls back to look into her eyes.

“Was that pathetic husband of yours the one who called?” Rowan asks, his gaze intense.

“That imbecile jerk—I can’t stand him. I really despise him,” Ruby murmurs.

Rowan’s eyes soften a bit, though he still looks irritated. “You deserve better than him,” he says, pulling Ruby close and resting his hands gently on her back.

Ruby looks up at Rowan with a mix of longing and relief. "I know, but it’s hard not to think about him, even when he’s not around."

Rowan kisses her forehead gently. "Divorce him. You shouldn’t be with that lowlife. He doesn’t deserve you," he says, nibbling on her ear.

Ruby hesitates for a moment. "Don’t worry, the divorce papers will be here in a few days," she says, her voice trembling under Rowan’s touch.

"I can’t wait any longer, babe. I want you all to myself. You mean everything to me," Rowan says, his desire clear.

Ruby’s breath catches. Rowan’s look and touch make her heart race. She leans into him and whispers, "I know. It’s just... everything is happening so fast.”

Rowan gently tilts her chin up to meet his eyes. "I understand. But I promise, once we’re together, everything will be perfect. We’ll build the future we both want."

Ruby nods, feeling a rush of emotions as she looks into Rowan’s eyes. Even though she has been married to Liam for three years, Rowan is the man she has always dreamed of. He was her first love.

What Ruby doesn’t know is that Rowan arranged the photo to force a divorce between her and Liam.

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