The assassins hurled their captives into the car, their movements showing a display of strength as they were in a hurry to get away from the massive gunfire.

Jamie stiffened his body as he was being shoved. Unlike the other captives, Jamie wasn't going to let the assassins have their way in getting him kidnapped.

He was relieved earlier seeing that Oscar had come with agents to protect them but things were taking a different turn and he wasn't comfortable with it at all.

Three persons had to die inside the hall because he wanted to protect himself. It wouldn't matter if he took some more risks just to maintain his stance, he reasoned.

His mind raced with desperate thoughts despite the delicate situation.

Jamie wrenched himself, his body coiled and ready as he sprang away from the black sedan, his desperation a powerful force that stunned the assassins.

Before the assassins knew it, they saw Jamie as respectable as he was running with such speed in his suit his tie flinging in the air as he ran for his dear life.

The assassins were in a delicate situation. Time wasn't on their side because the agents were still shooting in their direction and only the barricade of a few cars was what was protecting them.

Time was ticking fast but Zingo instructed. “Brian, go after him now!”

Brian took to his heels immediately, bolting after the captive. His legs were a blur of motion as he chased Jamie down with a powerful force.

Jamie was getting exhausted but he noticed that someone was pursuing him from behind and that made him fuel his movements further.

But Jamie’s body slammed into a figure, their collision a violent impact that sent both of them sprawling.

The thud was so painful that it left Jamie almost breathless but the surprise came when he looked at the person he collided with.

Damn! It was Oscar.

What?! Jamie couldn't believe his eyes. Oscar was also running from the opposite direction in an attempt to stop the assassins when he noticed that the alley area where they were could not be accessible by gunshots.

Oscar knew that time was ticking and he decided to take matters into his own hands, running after the assassins.

Jamie quickly recovered himself, his limbs flailing as he tried to regain balance and before he could process what was happening, he fled again.

Brian reached the spot where the collision and instead of seeing Jamie, it was Oscar who was still writhing on the ground.

It appeared that Oscar took a harder impact from the collision.

Brian’s face turned into a smirk as he brought out his gun immediately, knowing that Oscar was a bigger catch.

Oscar’s men were lost. All they knew was that he was joining them in the shooting until he ran into their enemy’s path.

With Oscar being very weak and unable to defend himself, Brian shoved him along, his grip harsh and brutal as he forced him into the sedan vehicle.

Oscar’s vision blurred and his eyesight was hazy as he struggled with the effects of the concussion. His head had jammed dangerously with Jamie’s and he suffered the much harsher impact.

He was unbalanced and struggled to regain his footing, making it very easy for Brian to shove him into the sedan relatively easily.

Jamie, on the other hand, had escaped, running for his dear life and taking advantage of the collision to divert Brian’s attention from him.

Brian’s face lit up as he shoved an almost unconscious Oscar into the sedan vehicle.

The sedan blasted away immediately, its body a blur of motion as it zipped past the agents’ bullets. Five agents had moved further to the angle where Oscar had dived into but they were too late as they arrived just as the sedan vehicle was zooming off.

Pow! Thwack! Boom! Ka-boom!

The agents fired desperate bullets in an attempt to save Oscar from the hands of the assassins but they were just a second too late.

The windows had been closed up and the sedan swerved and zigzagged, dodging the agents’ fire with a powerful and impressive force.

The best that the agents’ bullets could do was to ricochet off the car’s bullet-proof windows.

“Look who we got!” Brian’s face lit up just like every other assassin inside the packed sedan vehicle.

Their eyes were shining with greed and excitement because they had just gotten the biggest catch.

Their teeth were gleaming with darkness as they realized that their captive was worth more than the other three that they had in their grip

Raphael, the same guy who had a shoot-out with Oscar earlier seemed to be the brightest among them all. He had suffered a gunshot injury to his legs and had only been struggling to even drive the vehicle.

It meant saving his colleagues and that was more than anything to him so he had to drive through the pain.

Seeing a semi-unconscious Oscar in the backseat of the vehicle was a pleasure that he never thought he could experience so soon.

The assassins were alive in a deadly chatter of mocking words.

“Haha, who would have thought that the seemingly powerful Oscar would be brought down by a mere collision.”

“That’s what happened when a new guy in town comes around and thinks that he is smarter than every other businessman that had been ruling the city.”

“How hard was the collision, eh?” Brain leaned in close, his voice a cruel whisper as he put up intimidating questions to him.

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