“Look how easily you fell into our hands. You know we didn't ask for this. You kind of just entered into our trap.”

Oscar’s eyes fluttered, his consciousness teetering on the edge of awareness. His breathing was shallow and weak as he looked like a sick patient.

The assassins’ eyes were gleaming with evil as they thought of the best ways to inflict pain on Oscar. He was going to suffer for what he did and watch his business associates die before they finally killed him.

“What’s wrong? Can't you keep your eyes open? Don't tell me you are too weak to even face me?” Brian put up a grin expression.

“Or are you scared? Are you surprised? Why are you so quiet? Ah! I see that you are just a pathetic coward.”

Brian shook his head as if he was having some pity for his victim.

The assassin’s words trailed off and he drew back his fist before delivering a hard, brutal punch to Oscar’s face.

The blow landed on Oscar’s jaw with a potent cruelty that left him dazed and broken.

The sedan’s backseat was a crowded space, the assassins wedging themselves around the captives. There were 8 of the organ trafficking assassins and four captives, including Oscar inside the sedan vehicle.

Raphael, who was driving the vehicle had his eyes lit up with a twisted expression. “Brian, I have to tell you. I am quite jealous of you right now. I wish it was me in the backseat there witnessing the bastard being a coward.”

“I tell you, you won’t even believe it,” one of the assassins in the backseat responded. “He is such an idiot. We are going to give him the lesson of his life.”

The assassins had almost forgotten their other captives - Anna, Allison, and Kenneth.

Their focus was completely on Oscar.

Meanwhile, Oscar’s mind stirred, his senses slowly returning as he listened to the assassins’ chatter.

His awareness was a powerful weapon force that helped him to play dead, his eyes opening slightly as he calculated his next move.

It was good to know that they were all in the same place. Now, it was easy to kill them all, Oscar reasoned.


The event hall was still a chaotic, bloody mess even in the aftermath of the assassins’ rampage. The air was still thick with the scent of blood and gunpowder.

The survivors were still reeling from the horror of the mess that had happened. All of them had lost their phones and there was no means through which they could reach out to their loved ones.

Detectives entered the scene with an air of authority, their presence a commanding and powerful force as they scanned the survivors for any information that might help them solve the crime.

Their notepads scribbled as they took note of the description of the attack and other things that were worthy of note.

Oscar’s assistant, Layla wiped off the dust from her skirt. She was already thinking about Oscar and she wondered where he might have been and if he was able to do anything about the assassins.

She hoped that he had not been hurt because the last time she saw him, he looked like someone ready to take dangerous risks.

Layla had hidden a spare phone under her dress so she slipped into the shadows as she sought the cover of a darkened corner.

Her breaths were quick and shallow as she held the phone close, waiting for the call to connect.

The phone rang and rang but there was no answer. Her frustration was a bitter force as she tried again, hoping that this time there was going to be a response.

But there was still no response. She tried to trust in Oscar’s ability to save himself but he knew that the organ trafficking assassins were also very resolute. They would stop at nothing to get rid of Oscar and after exposing their activities, they were definitely going to be on his trail.

Her eyes narrowed to the entrance as she studied the possibility of leaving the hall without being quarried by the detectives.

Layla took slow steps trying to navigate her way through but her steps came to a slowing stop when she saw another woman in distress.

Layla’s eyes furrowed in recognition - it was Charlotte.

Her lips opened up slightly and then closed back as if she wasn't sure whether to be nice to her or not.

Layla, realizing that Charlotte wasn't going to talk first decided to ask her what was going on.

“You must be Charlotte?” Layla asked.

“Yes, I am.”

“Charlotte, are you okay? I didn't see you earlier when the assassins came in. I mean, not that I wanted you to experience such a horrific situation though,” she chuckled.

Charlotte’s face was a deadly contortion of despair as she scratched her hair repeatedly. “I know, I wasn't there when the assassins were on a rampage.”

“Are you serious?” Layla’s brow furrowed. “Where were you then?”

“I was using the lady's room,” Charlotte responded. “Just before the assassins came into the hall, I was making use of the ladies' room and when I noticed that there was sporadic shooting, I stayed there.”

Layla’s eyebrow shifted with the weight of surprise. After all, not anyone suffered from the oppression of the assassins.

Layla’s face then contorted into a smile. “Alright then. Take care of yourself.”

Layla turned to leave immediately and focus on what she was trying to do earlier but Charlotte held her gently by the arm, trying to plead with her. “Ms. Gonzalez, please I need your help.”


“I need your help, Ms. Gonzalez.”

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