“Erm, I don't remember us meeting before now,” Layla spoke. “I am a little surprised you know my name.”

Charlotte’s gaze shifted nervously. “Erm, I had to do a little research considering the importance of what I wanted to put to your notice.”

“Oh, is that so?” Layla asked.

Layla was trying not to get drawn in by Charlotte. She knew that she wanted a divorce with Oscar and being Oscar’s assistant, she wasn't sure if she was to be seen too closely with Charlotte.

“Yes, Ms. Gonzalez. I really need your help. You are the only one who could possibly help me in this condition I find myself.”

“Okay, I am listening. Let’s get to somewhere there would be fewer eyes on us,” Layla obliged Charlotte’s intention to speak to her. Perhaps she was going to have something reasonable to say, she thought.

Charlotte’s words tripped in a deadly stutter of anxiety. “Erm—erm. I know you are close to Oscar and—”

Layla shifted uncomfortably when she heard Charlotte mention Oscar’s name. She hoped that she wasn't about to bring to discussion what she thought she was going to say.

Charlotte continued, her voice pushing through as she sought to complete the sentence at least. “—and I really need Oscar to come back to me.”

“What?!” Layla exclaimed, her eyes wide with surprise and a little disgust. “Are you kidding me? Do you want Oscar back? I can't even believe I am hearing you speak this nonsense to me. I shouldn't even be speaking to you.”

Layla had heard enough. Her eyes burned with a seething glimpse of disgust as she turned to leave abruptly. She wasn't going to give attention to such a person. What kind of trash did she just spit out of her mouth? Was she out of her mind?

Charlotte quivered as she spoke, her voice a mournful whisper that seemed to weigh down on her soul. “I know that it sounds absurd but—”

“No buts! You sound ridiculous. You are such a gold digger and girls like you deserve to be humiliated.”

Charlotte’s shame was powerful as she lowered her head slightly, her lips pressed in a tight line. “I know that I messed up and every day since that day that he—”

“Since the day he caught you cheating? Since the day he caught you receiving pleasure from another man? Is that what you wanted to say? Don’t tempt me into saying more than I intend to say because then it wouldn't be good for you at all.”

Charlotte tried to hide her surprise at the fact that Layla knew exactly what happened and how Oscar caught her with another man.

Layla’s face squeezed with dismay when she noticed that Charlotte was trying to hide her surprise.

“Oh, did you really think that I wouldn't know exactly what happened? I am his assistant and it is my job to know even the things that he doesn't tell me. He doesn't have to tell me everything.”

Charlotte’s face was haunting and a grief-stricken mask as she held back the tears. “I know what I did, Ms. Gonzalez. I would feel the guilt of my actions till the day that I die. I just want you to help me talk to Oscar and perhaps convince him to speak with me.”

Layla’s eyes softened slightly and she didn't know how to respond to her remorse for a moment.

Charlotte then continued her plea, her heart heavy and her eyes burned with unshed tears. “I know that you probably think I am a whore. I don't blame you at all if that is what you think but I want you to believe me when I tell you that I really loved Oscar.”

“We were good and I gave him all the support necessary but I faltered along the way. I am so sorry that I cheated. I really wish that I could make amends.”

Charlotte’s words quivered as she spoke and every word seemed to be suffocating her.

“I cried my eyes out all through the time that I was in the ladies’ room and even though I knew that the assassins could have killed people, the feeling of regret had overwhelmed me.”

Layla’s eyes softened further. Perhaps she was truly sorry, she thought. “Look, Charlotte, even if you are truly sorry, I am not the right person you should be speaking with. I am not the one you cheated on after all.”

“I know that, Ms. Gonzalez,” Charlotte responded. “That’s exactly why I need your help. I am aware that he seems to respect your views and sees you highly. I was hoping that perhaps you could help me convince him to hear me out.”

Layla’s mind raced with a deadly rush of thoughts as a compassionate force seemed to have driven her into giving more attention to what Charlotte was saying. “Okay, you know what? I really shouldn't be entertaining this but I would try my best to convince him to speak to you but that would be all.”

“I definitely don’t think he would accept you back and I wouldn't pester him on changing his mind. I will only try to convince him to talk things out with you. Whatever you speak with him is all between the both of you.”

Charlotte’s eyes glimmered with a twinkle of relief. “That’s more than enough, Ms. Gonzalez. I am forever grateful for this.”

“You are welcome,” Layla responded.

Charlotte bowed in appreciation once more and then went away from Layla’s presence.

Layla pretended that she was minding her business but her eyes were in motion as she monitored Charlotte’s movement. She wanted to know if Charlotte was someone to be trusted.

What if she had a secret plan with the request she made? A cheat should never be given full trust, she reasoned.

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