The man’s body was a machine of rage as his muscles pulsed with violence. His footstep shook the ground with power.

Of course, Oscar recognized the man - it was Irana’s husband, George.

“Why did you hit my wife? Why did you touch her? Who gave you the right to touch my wife?” George gnarled, his blood boiling with the force of his rage.”

Oscar’s voice was unwavering despite the arrow of hatred thrown at him. “Mr. George, you need to be calm. There is nothing wrong with your wife.”

George struck out with lightning speed, his fist swung like a sledgehammer.

Oscar’s sidestepped the punch with ease, his body moving with an elegant grace as he evaded the blow at the expense of George’s boiling anger.

Oscar still had to make his point known so he spoke through the tension. “Mr. George, your wife and Arabella conspired to poison me. I am the victim here. I don't want to start a fight with you.”

Oscar knew that George was no match for him if he were to get soaked into a combat with him but he was ready to let everything go. After all, it wasn't the first time that his in-laws were being wicked toward him.

But with the snap of a finger, Mr. George summoned the hotel security guards to beat Oscar to a stupor.

Oscar froze, his eyes darting from side to side as he immediately found himself encircled by 7 security guards who had their muscles coiling in readiness to attack.

Oscar flared his arm in their midst, his body alerted in tension as he addressed the guards. “Guys, look. You have the wrong person. Let’s all draw a line and move on. We don't have to get things nasty.”

The guards descended like a storm of violence, their fists raining down on him as they unleashed a barrage of punches and their legs connecting with his ribs and spine as they battered him into submission.

“Mr. George, listen to me. I didn’t touch your wife. You should ask her what she did to me instead. She hit me with a bottle and I only blocked it which—-”

Oscar couldn’t finish his statement again when his words were interrupted by more punches from the guards.

George soon joined in the violence, his arms swinging like a pendulum of violence together with the seven other guards.

George was inwardly pained because he couldn't take on Oscar on his own and had to summon the security guards.

He yelled out plainly as he kept on with the violence. “What excuse in the world do you think would be enough reason for you to touch my wife?”

“Even if she asks you to lick the dust off her shoes, would it warrant you to lay a finger on my wife? Isn't that what you were made for? Aren't you a sewage worker? Aren't you created to be humiliated, pissed on, and trampled upon?”

George’s rage-filled voice coupled with his blows combined into a symphony of violence as his anger escalated with each strike but he noticed something.

Oscar was absorbing the punches in a way that looked like he didn't care if his body was kicked. All he cared about was his necklace, his arm forming a shield as he fought to protect the precious heirloom from destruction.

George smirked, his hands reaching out with malice as he yanked the metal off Oscar’s neck, the links breaking off in destruction.

Oscar howled, the sound reverberating through the room as he fought to break free from the guards with his hands stretched out. “Give me back my necklace. It's the only thing I have of my late mum. Don’t you dare destroy it or you will pay for your actions.”

It was the first time that the necklace had come off his neck in fifteen years. He suddenly felt naked and out of sorts without it and the punches and kicks didn't even mean anything to him anymore. He couldn't afford to lose the only thing that was left of his late mother.

“Haha, you poor brat!” George mocked. “Perhaps this chain is the source of the voodoo that you are doing that makes Charlotte put up with an irritating man like you. I guess it's finally time to undo your voodoo by destroying this useless chain.”

With a snarl of determination, George flexed his muscles and snapped the chain into pieces, his fingers twisting the metal repeatedly until it landed on the floor destroyed and cut into little pieces of steel.

“No!” Oscar’s voice cracked as he howled in grief, his soul bleeding in agony as he watched his cherished heirloom destroyed.

The guards finally left him when they saw that he was bleeding on his face and they saw the look on George’s face - he was satisfied to have inflicted pain on Oscar by destroying his precious heirloom.

Oscar’s face was a battered mess, his lips split as everyone had deserted him alone in the guest hall. His eyes were swollen shut as he squinted to read the words popping on his phone screen.

‘Come to the garage now or today will be the last day you breathe.’

Without any hesitation, Oscar knew that it could be none other than the vicious Lady Vivian.

Ever since Oscar’s father-in-law, Lord Fonte died just a few months after he married Charlotte, Lady Vivian seemed to have been spearheading every act of wickedness against him.

Lord Fonte was the only one who showed him love and took him as a son, sometimes also as a close friend. Lord Fonte believed that Oscar wasn’t a good-for-nothing.

Lord Fonte was able to benefit from some of his business advice and counsel. Unfortunately, their perfect relationship was shortlived and Oscar was left to face the wild dogs in the form of his in-laws, especially Lady Vivian who didn’t share the positive views of her late husband.

Oscar sucked in the grief that he felt and headed towards the glass door entrance to meet with Lady Vivian but started hearing the voices of conversation between Lady Vivian and his wife, Charlotte.

“Mum, you can’t do this to me. I am your daughter, you can’t just terminate my appointment just because I won’t divorce Oscar.”

“Oh, of course, I can because I am also your boss. Bradley confided in me yesterday that you both have been secretly having an affair for months so what is so difficult in owning up to your actions and telling Oscar that you want to divorce him?”

“But I can't just break the news to him like that. Besides, I don’t want to lose him just yet.” Charlotte argued.

“What you need is a harsh encouragement and that is why I am declaring now that if you don’t divorce Oscar and marry Bradley, today will be the last time you work for Delway Group. I can’t have my daughter live with a fraudster.”

“But he didn’t defraud anyone. Oscar is a good man even though he is poor. You are framing him for an offense he didn’t commit. I really don’t want you to hurt him.”

“Keep defending that irritating bastard until you end up in prison with him.”

Oscar’s face was flushed with a deadly gasp of surprise as he picked up the conversation. Who did he defraud? Did he just hear something about his wife having an affair?

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