Oscar’s body trembled with the weight of the reality that he had been exposed to. His features were frozen with a stunned and horrified expression of confusion and for a while, he wasn't sure of how he felt. He just stared blankly.

Seeing his father after five years of thinking that he was dead was one thing but finding out that he had cancer and had only a few weeks to live? He wasn't sure if he could accept that.

His eyes were sunken with confusion. “This cancer you are talking about. When did you find out about it? When did you get the diagnosis?”

Henry’s posture slumped as he didn't want to make things get awkward, especially at such a time. “I got to know about this a few years ago, son. I have tried all sorts of chemotherapy to extend my lifespan. Now, I can no longer keep it going. I have only two weeks to live now.”

Oscar’s eyes remained dark and hollow as his disbelief was a suffocating burden on his heart. “No, Dad. You can't just come back alive after four, or five years and tell me that you will only spend two weeks with me. You have to keep going with the chemotherapy no matter how long it takes.”

Henry moved towards Oscar, his lips quivering with vulnerability as he pulled off his purple crown so that Oscar could see his hair and know that it was beyond redemption.

Oscar’s gaze narrowed and his heart wrenched as he beheld the cruel handiwork of Henry’s cancer. His father’s once vibrant hair was now non-existent due to the merciless assault of the cancer. The top of his head even seemed to be somewhat reddish as a cruel reminder of the disease’s grip.

Henry put his crown back on his head and managed to wear a smile and get Oscar’s attention. “On the bright side my son, now you are going to sign the document that confers on you the position of CEO of the Jones League of Companies as is our new name.”

Oscar shook his head in disbelief, his heart racing with the weight of the news as the implications of him becoming the CEO of Jones League of Companies began to dawn on him.

He was going to become the CEO of a consortium. He was going to become the wealthiest man on the West Coast. Oh, how beautiful that must be, he reasoned. If only it didn't have to be at the expense of his father’s condition.

Oscar remembered all the sufferings and humiliations that he was made to go through when he was working as a delivery boy and an errand boy for the Delway family. He was going to make them pay, he thought.

Just at that moment, Oscar’s features melted into an inquisitive mask of curiosity. “I am extremely grateful that you are giving me this huge responsibility. I am overwhelmed and almost can’t believe it but you mentioned my uncle almost killing you because he didn't want you to bequeath your business to me.”

Henry's lips pressed together into a thin and uneasy line. “You are right son. My half-brother betrayed me and I had to stay in hiding all these years because of it. If I didn't do that and strategize while remaining unseen to the outside world, he would have killed both of us by now.”

“This means Ryder has become my enemy,” Oscar remarked.

“I am afraid so, son. He felt that I should have bequeathed my businesses to him but how could I do that when I have you as my son,” Henry spoke and suddenly, he started coughing in a very violent manner.

His body racked with a painful convulsion as the cancerous toxins ravaged his lungs. His eyes squeezed shut in agony as he fought for every breath with each cough that rattled his throat.

Oscar knew at once that it was the effect of the cancer and Henry’s men attended to him, giving him napkins and a cup of water to soothe himself.

Henry then heaved a sigh after the strenuous episode had passed. “I am fine don’t worry. There is something else you need to know though.”

“What’s that?” Oscar asked.

“I am sure you are already conversant with the fact that we are well funded by the long-term contract we have with the government whereby we undergo missions.”

Oscar nodded his head in affirmation. “Sure, of course, that accounts for a large proportion of our funds.”

“Well, it might interest you to know that Ryder is trying to sabotage it.”

Oscar gritted his teeth in anger the moment he heard the news. “Oh, my guts always told me that he couldn't be trusted. He is a betrayer. He must pay for trying to kill you. I won't let him off the hook so easily.”

Henry scoffed. “You have to be careful though. I have known Ryder a longer time than you and I can tell you that he is very cunning. In any case, I am going to trust you for your first task which is to remove some underperforming companies in our consortium. Take this list.”

Oscar received the list and the first name that caught his eye made his face curl into a smirk. It was Delway Group - the same company of his cruel ex-in-laws.

Oscar’s eyes glinted in a cold determination and his smile was a savage smirk. Those scum ex-in-laws were finally going to pay, he reasoned.

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