Henry chuckled when he saw the slight excitement in Oscar’s eyes. “You seem a little excited. It's not an exciting task because it takes a lot of vetting. Companies who do not meet up with the latest financial standard cannot just continue with us.”

“Oh, don’t you worry. I find it very interesting,” Oscar spoke, the smile was like a permanent stamp on his face. His mind was already brimming with exciting ways that he would humiliate his ex-in-laws and pay them in their coin for what they did to him.

“Before I forget, there is someone I need to introduce to you,” Henry spoke.

“Who is that?”

Henry walked towards his guard and whispered a few words into his ears.

In a moment, a lovely feminine spectacle glided through the door. Her walk was a sultry invitation that beckoned the heart and soul. Her hips were swaying in a rhythm that spoke of mystery and temptation.

Her eyes were like little diamonds, piercing through the heart of anyone who was trying to maintain composure.

Henry turned towards the lady and spoke. “Here is my son, here is your new boss that I spoke to you about. You are very lucky to meet him. Come on, introduce yourself to him.”

The lady bowed with respect. “Good evening, Mr. Oscar. My name is Layla. It is my pleasure to meet you. I hope that I will be accepted by you and have to privilege to serve you.”

Oscar blinked, his mind struggling to process the unexpected courtesy. He remembered that he was the boss and needed to maintain composure in the presence of such an elegant lady. “You are welcome, Layla. I look forward to us working together.”


It was time for the Jones League of Companies Performance Gala. It was an annual event where CEOs and employees from companies under the consortium would learn about their new stake in the company. Those who didn't meet the required standard would be thrown to the curbs.

Oscar and Layla alighted a luxurious Porsche vehicle and walked gracefully towards the special entrance meant for them.

Oscar and Layla seemed to be going along very well as they discussed strategies on how to improve pending projects.

Layla spoke. “Sir, I think your strategy is very impressive. There are also quite a few things we could do to—”

She felt a chill run down her spine as she was cut short by a snarl from behind. “What are you doing here, Oscar?”

Oscar turned to look at the lady behind him and saw that it was Arabella, one of the ladies who insulted him at the Delway guest hall before he was arrested.

Arabella spewed hatred, her words a barrage of abuse. “Are you not supposed to be in prison at this time? What business do you have here all dressed as if you are someone important? You have been banished from our Delway family and yet you have found another lady to scam with your poverty, isn't it?”

Arabella then turned towards Layla. “Young lady, if you love yourself, you had better run away from this man. I am sure he somehow deceived you to buy this designer's suit for him just like he did to my sister. Don't allow his voodoo to work on you. He is probably a fugitive.”

Layla arched her eyebrows, her rebuttal was subtle as she used her grace as a shield against the aggression. “I advise that you mind your business and focus on whether you will still have a job after this event.”

Arabella’s eyebrows were raised as she felt the weight of Layla’s defiance. “I was only trying to help you but if you want to keep feeding a poor fugitive then be prepared for the consequences.”

She then stormed off to tell her friends about the surprising occasion that she had just witnessed. Lady Vivian must hear about this, she reasoned.

The event hall was a constellation of power as CEOs, dignitaries, and employees anticipating their fate in the new order were buzzing with whispers.

The atmosphere in the room was as rich and luxurious as the food and attire of everyone. Candles flickered, casting a warm glow on the faces of everyone as they listened to the anchor of the event.

The anchor dressed in a bow tie and crisped white shirt spoke. “Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, honored VIPs and respected colleagues, it is with great admiration that I welcome you all to today’s event.”

Arabella made sure that she sat close to her mother, Lady Vivian.

She clicked her tongue, shaking her head in mock disbelief as she recounted the latest rumor. “You wouldn't believe what I just saw outside.”

Lady Vivian turned towards Arabella, her face filled with curiosity.

“I just saw that poor scum, Oscar just now with a lady far ahead of his class. Did we not ensure that the rat head was arrested and thrown behind bars? Why is he here and dressed as if he was an important figure?”

“I don’t know what you are talking about Arabella,” Lady Vivian whispered. “Perhaps you have mistaken him for someone else. Oscar can’t be here. There are guards littered around - they aren't foolish enough to allow someone like that in our midst. He is currently either in a police cell or prison custody trust me.”

“I swear I just talked with him. He was with a lady. He didn't say a word in response but I am telling you that he is seated here somewhere.”

The conversation came to a halt as the anchor’s voice boomed over the speakers. They exchanged an anxious look before their heads turned towards the stage.

“—in light of this, I would like you all to stand up to your feet as you join me in welcoming our new CEO, a visionary leader who will guide us into a future of prosperity and innovation. A man who is known for his excellence and drive to perform, a man who works with a vision that propels him.”

The attendees stood, their hands clapping in rhythm as they strained to hear the announcement.

The anchor’s voice was much louder this time and with excitement. “I invite to the podium Mr. Oscar Jones.”

What?! The attendees were thrown into a frenzy of confusion.

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