3. The Start of Something New

"Who dares to cause trouble here?!" Ethan bellowed, his face red with fury.


Elijah's gaze fixed on him, steady and fearless, saying confidently, "I do!” His voice calm and commanding, carrying an authority that made everyone in the room tense up.


"And if you lay another finger on her, you'll regret it."

The room fell silent.

All the members of the Donald family were in disbelief that someone had barged into their home and threatened them.

Who was he? What was he doing here?

Suddenly, Reno recognized him and shouted, "It's you!"

He then pointed at Elijah and yelled excitedly at Ethan, "Grandpa, he's the one who had an affair with Sophia—the culprit behind the breakdown of our alliance with the Shaw family!"

"Guards, come quickly and capture this guy!" Reno shouted, trying to summon the guards to seize Elijah.

Elijah crossed his arms and scoffed, "No need to waste your effort; the guards outside have already been taken care of by me."


Everyone stared at Elijah, sensing the danger he radiated.


Ethan clenched his fists, his eyes narrowing as he tried to maintain his composure.


"You think you can come into my house and threaten me?" He growled, trying to hide his fear.


"Are you not afraid of death?" He asked fiercely

Elijah smirked, his eyes narrowing with a predatory glint, and responded, "I don't fear death, old man. But maybe you are."

Sophia's heart skipped a beat. Though this man was threatening her families, she felt he’s cool. She knew he was here for her.


A mix of relief and worry washed over her. She then started to worry about him, thinking he could not resist her family.


"Please, Grandpa, Don't hurt him. He didn't mean to—" Sophia begged. 

"Shut up, you disgrace!" Ethan barked, his hand raising to strike her again, his face twisted with anger.


Before the hand landed on Sophia’s face, Elijah quickly grabbed Ethan's wrist.


The force of his grip made Ethan wince, his eyes widening in shock.


"Don't touch her, or I’ll break your arms." Elijah warned, his voice icy and freezing.

Ethan's eyes widened, both in pain and fury. His bravado faltered for a moment.


"You dare threaten me in my own house?!" he spat, trying to mask his fear with anger.

Elijah's grip tightened, his expression unyielding.


"I don't make threats. I make promises."

Ethan stared at him, his anger momentarily replaced by fear.


He could sense Elijah's strength—far beyond his expectation.


His eyes darted around the room, searching for support, but all of them lowered head as if taking an ant observation lesson.


"What do you want?" Ethan asked in a deep voice.

Elijah didn't answer him; instead, he smiled at Sophia and said, "Don't worry, I'm taking you away from here right now!"

Ethan felt humiliated; this man completely disregarded him, and it was infuriating!

Feeling the pain in his wrist, he resentfully shouted, "I agree to let you take her, but you need to let go of my arm!"

Once Elijah released his grip, Ethan quickly yanked his arm back, rubbing the swollen area on his wrist, and bitterly mocked, "Take this woman away! I want her expelled from the family; she is no longer a member of the Donald family! If you want to pick up trash, you..."

However, before he could finish his sentence, he was intimidated into silence by Elijah's cold glare.

Sophia's eyes widened in shock, tears spilling down her cheeks.


"No? Grandpa, no—"

Ethan cut her off with a glare, his face hardening.


"You brought this on yourself. You'll marry him, and neither of you will ever step foot in the Donald family again. You are no longer one of us."

Sophia's heart broke. Tears streamed down her face, each drop a silent scream of agony.


"But… but…" she stammered, her voice breaking.


She looked at the faces around her—her family, now turned into cold strangers.


The weight of rejection, like a knife, cut through her heart.

Her mother, May, sneered, her lips curling in disgust.


"Don't expect sympathy, Sophia. You've ruined everything for us. You're not our daughter anymore." Her voice was so indifferent.

Her father, Bob, stood silently, avoiding her gaze and his shoulders sagging with frustration.


Sophia felt a crushing weight in her heart. She was utterly alone.

Reno smirked from the corner, his voice taunting and cruel.


"So, Mr.—whoever," he said, crossing his arms, his tone mocking, "you've set your sights on our family's wealth, huh? But marrying her won't get you anything."

Elijah shot him a cold, piercing look.


"If I wanted your family's wealth, you'd already be on the streets and begged for food," he replied, his tone sharp and mocking, each word like a blade.

Reno's smirk faded, replaced by a nervous swallow.


He stepped back slightly, muttering, "Tch, whatever," looking away, his bravado crumbling.

Elijah turned back to Sophia, his expression softening slightly.


"Come on," he said softly but firmly, his hand reaching out to her.


"We're leaving."

Sophia, still crying, looked up at him.


She had nowhere else to go. She nodded, wiping her tears with trembling hands.


She felt the warmth of Elijah's hand as he gently helped her up, his grip strong and reassuring.

As they stepped out of the mansion, Sophia gave one last glance at the family she once belonged to.


Then Elijah led Sophia to his car, Doug waiting by the door, his posture straight and alert.


"The Arthur Palace, Doug. " Elijah commanded.

"Yes, Drag...”

Elijah pretended to cough, interrupting Doug's words. He didn't want Sophia to know his identity and get entangled in his complicated life.

The most important thing right now was to treat her.

Not only was Elijah the invincible God of War in the Southern Military District, but he was also a Dr. Miraculous with mysterious and exceptional medical skills.

Removing the scars from Sophia's face and body was just a piece of cake for him.

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