All Chapters of The Unstoppable Dragon Marshal: Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
19 chapters
1. The Unexpected Combination
Elijah Norton woke up early in the morning.He felt something soft in his left hand, so he turned his head to the left and discovered a woman with a veil lying beside him.His left hand was gripping her... Elijah subconsciously pinched it.Sophia Donald was startled awake by the pinch, realizing she was completely naked except for the veil on her face."Ah!" Her scream echoed throughout the hotel.Breathless with fear, she clutched the bed sheets tightly to cover her body and slowly moved back to distance herself from Elijah."Who... who are you? What did you do to me?" Sophia asked anxiously."My name is Elijah. It seems we've done everything a young couple can do," Elijah shrugged casually."How could you do this to me? You violated me; you're a criminal!" Sophia was both angry and embarrassed, but more than that, she felt wronged. Tears welled up in her eyes as her voice trembled."That's not true! You were the one who made the first move last night!" Elijah defended himself."No w
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2. Trapped in the Nightmare
"What a small world! This is the fate between us, Sophia" Elijah murmured to himself.He never expected that the woman he had been searching for had just slept right beside him the night before."Sophia, you saved me ten years ago. Now, it's my turn to save you!" Thinking of her difficult situation, Elijah resolved in his heart to make her the happiest woman in the world."Doug, head to the Donald family!""Yes, Dragon Marshal!" ... ... Sophia walked up the steps to the Donald family mansion, her legs feeling like lead.Her heart pounded in her chest, dread settling in her stomach like a stone. She pushed open the door and stepped inside, only to be met with a room full of angry faces.Her fiancé, Alan Shaw, stood at the front, his arms crossed, staring at her, like a predator sizing up its prey.The rest of the family members filled the room, their eyes like daggers, full of judgment and contempt.At the head of the table was Ethan Donald, who's the family patriarch and Sophia's g
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3. The Start of Something New
"Who dares to cause trouble here?!" Ethan bellowed, his face red with fury.Elijah's gaze fixed on him, steady and fearless, saying confidently, "I do!” His voice calm and commanding, carrying an authority that made everyone in the room tense up."And if you lay another finger on her, you'll regret it."The room fell silent.All the members of the Donald family were in disbelief that someone had barged into their home and threatened them.Who was he? What was he doing here?Suddenly, Reno recognized him and shouted, "It's you!"He then pointed at Elijah and yelled excitedly at Ethan, "Grandpa, he's the one who had an affair with Sophia—the culprit behind the breakdown of our alliance with the Shaw family!""Guards, come quickly and capture this guy!" Reno shouted, trying to summon the guards to seize Elijah.Elijah crossed his arms and scoffed, "No need to waste your effort; the guards outside have already been taken care of by me."Everyone stared at Elijah, sensing the danger he rad
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4. A New Beginning
Sophia stared in disbelief as the car pulled up in front of a massive, elegant villa."This… this is where you live?" she asked, her voice filled with awe.Elijah glanced at her and nodded."Arthur Palace," he said casually. "Home, for now."He loved Sophia’s bewildered state.Sophia’s eyes widened as she took in the towering pillars, the sprawling gardens, and the grand entrance. She had never seen anything like it."I thought… I thought you were just some arrogant soldier," she muttered.It’s not that she was from a poor family but it was more than her expectations.Elijah smirked."A soldier, yes. But arrogant? Maybe," he said with a shrug."I like to keep people guessing. Come inside."He encouraged Sophia to walk ahead.Sophia felt the cool air as they stepped in and smelled the fresh flowers that decorated the luxurious interior. She couldn’t help but feel out of place."Why are you helping me?" she asked cautiously."You don’t even know me," her voice was mixed with surprise.As
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5. A Challenge for Honor
The morning sun streamed through the window as Elijah and Sophia stood before a modest altar, their hands clasped together.The ceremony was simple but heartfelt. Sophia’s heart pounded in her chest."I do," she whispered, her voice steady with determination.Elijah's eyes met hers."I do," he said firmly, sealing their vows.After the ceremony, they returned to the Donald family home where Sophia's father, Bob, lived in a small, worn-down wing of the estate.His influence in the family was minimal, and it showed in his modest surroundings.Sophia's eyes were saddened at the sight."Father," she called softly, approaching him.Bob looked up, his eyes dull."Sophia?" he mumbled, his voice weak.He hadn’t expected her to visit, let alone look so radiant."I’m back, Father," Sophia said, smiling warmly."And I’m married now."Bob’s eyes widened."Married? To him?" he asked, glancing at Elijah with a mix of confusion and fear.Elijah nodded, stepping forward."Yes, sir. I’m Elijah Norton,
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6. The First Steps of Revenge
Sophia paced nervously around the room, her hands twisting together."How are we supposed to do this, Elijah? The Yale Group is a multinational corporation. Why would they even look at us?" she muttered, her voice filled with doubt.Elijah leaned against the wall, arms crossed, his expression calm."Stop worrying," he said softly."We’ve got this."Sophia shook her head, still unconvinced."You don’t understand," she said."I know someone there, a high school classmate. Maybe she can help… but it’s a long shot."Elijah blinked."Contact her. It’s worth a try," he encouraged."But I have my own way of handling things. Trust me, by tomorrow, the Yale Group will be begging to work with us."Sophia glanced at him, trying to read his confidence."How can you be so sure?" she asked, biting her lip.Elijah smiled."I’m the Dragon Marshal," he replied simply."And people tend to listen when I speak."Sophia took a deep breath."Alright," she said, nodding."I’ll try my way, and you do yours."
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7. A Gift for the Shaws
"Ladies and gentlemen, a toast to my father, Rick Shaw, on his eightieth birthday!"Kobe Shaw raised his glass high, his voice booming through the grand hall.The crowd erupted in applause, a sea of elites gathered to honor the Shaw family patriarch. Everyone was so excited.Rick Shaw, seated at the head of the long banquet table, smiled with satisfaction.The grand chandelier above cast a golden glow on his wrinkled face, highlighting the pride in his eyes."Thank you all for being here," he said, his voice strong for his age."The Shaw family has always stood tall, and tonight is proof that we always will."Ethan Donald, standing near the table, stepped forward, his tone humble."Mr. Shaw, I must apologize for the recent troubles caused by my granddaughter," he said, bowing slightly."We are here to mend any rifts and assure our continued loyalty to the Shaw family."Rick Shaw nodded, his expression softening."Ethan, it's good to see you know where your loyalties lie," he replied."
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8. The Next Move
"Grandfather, I’m back," Elijah whispered as he stood in front of his grandfather’s tombstone at the Norton family cemetery.In his hand, he held the severed head of Rick Shaw, blood still dripping from the neck."I’ve brought you a gift," he continued, his voice low but filled with a cold determination.He placed Rick’s head in front of the grave, eyes blazing with vengeance."This is just the beginning," he said."They took everything from us. But I promise you, Grandfather, I will retrieve the Lava Heart. I will restore the Norton name."Doug stood behind him, watching silently."Marshal," he said after a moment, "what’s our next move?"Elijah stared at the head of Rick Shaw, his face expressionless."First, we deal with the rest of the Shaw family. Then we go after the others," he replied."I’m not done until every last one of them pays."Doug nodded, a grin spreading across his face."I’m ready when you are," he said."The Shaw family won't know what hit them."Elijah turned away
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9. Beauty and Bargains
"Elijah, I have great news!"Sophia’s voice was bright with excitement over the phone.Elijah smirked, leaning back in his chair at Arthur Palace."What is it, Sophia?" he asked."My high school reunion worked out! Linda helped me secure a potential partnership with the Yale Group!" Sophia exclaimed."We just need to finalize it in person."Elijah chuckled softly."Good job. I knew you could do it," he said."I’ll come to pick you up. Be ready in ten minutes."Sophia giggled."I’ll be waiting!"Elijah hung up the phone and called out, "Doug, get the car. We’re picking up Sophia."Doug grinned, already grabbing the keys."On it, Marshal," he replied....As they drove through the busy streets, Sophia chatted away in the backseat, her excitement bubbling over."It’s been so long since I’ve seen Linda. I was worried she wouldn’t even remember me," she said.Elijah, sitting beside her, glanced over."And how did it go?" he asked.Sophia smiled."Better than I expected. She was really helpf
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10. A Billion-Dollar Decision
"Wait for a while," Leonard's words halted their step.Leonard leaned in closer, his smile oozing arrogance."Sophia," he began, his voice low and greasy, "you don’t understand how things work around here. I’m giving you a golden opportunity. Don’t be foolish."Sophia stood her ground, her eyes blazing with defiance."I’ve already said no," she replied, her tone firm."I’m not interested in your kind of deal. Stop repeating the same thing."Leonard’s face darkened."You think you’re better than this?" he sneered."Do you have any idea how many women would kill for a chance like this?"Linda, standing next to him, chimed in, "Sophia, don’t be so naive. Think about the benefits. Think about your family. This could change everything for them."Sophia shook her head."I don’t care," she said sharply."I’m not doing it."Elijah stepped forward, his expression cold."Sophia, don’t waste your breath on these lowlifes," he said."They’re not worth your time."Leonard’s eyes flicked to Elijah,
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