7. A Gift for the Shaws
"Ladies and gentlemen, a toast to my father, Rick Shaw, on his eightieth birthday!"

Kobe Shaw raised his glass high, his voice booming through the grand hall.

The crowd erupted in applause, a sea of elites gathered to honor the Shaw family patriarch. Everyone was so excited.

Rick Shaw, seated at the head of the long banquet table, smiled with satisfaction.

The grand chandelier above cast a golden glow on his wrinkled face, highlighting the pride in his eyes.

"Thank you all for being here," he said, his voice strong for his age.

"The Shaw family has always stood tall, and tonight is proof that we always will."

Ethan Donald, standing near the table, stepped forward, his tone humble.

"Mr. Shaw, I must apologize for the recent troubles caused by my granddaughter," he said, bowing slightly.

"We are here to mend any rifts and assure our continued loyalty to the Shaw family."

Rick Shaw nodded, his expression softening.

"Ethan, it's good to see you know where your loyalties lie," he replied.

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