6. The First Steps of Revenge

Sophia paced nervously around the room, her hands twisting together.

"How are we supposed to do this, Elijah? The Yale Group is a multinational corporation. Why would they even look at us?" she muttered, her voice filled with doubt.

Elijah leaned against the wall, arms crossed, his expression calm.

"Stop worrying," he said softly.

"We’ve got this."

Sophia shook her head, still unconvinced.

"You don’t understand," she said.

"I know someone there, a high school classmate. Maybe she can help… but it’s a long shot."

Elijah blinked.

"Contact her. It’s worth a try," he encouraged.

"But I have my own way of handling things. Trust me, by tomorrow, the Yale Group will be begging to work with us."

Sophia glanced at him, trying to read his confidence.

"How can you be so sure?" she asked, biting her lip.

Elijah smiled.

"I’m the Dragon Marshal," he replied simply.

"And people tend to listen when I speak."

Sophia took a deep breath.

"Alright," she said, nodding.

"I’ll try my way, and you do yours."

She pulled out her phone and began searching for her classmate’s contact.

"Her name’s Linda. We haven’t talked in years, but maybe she’ll remember me."

Elijah watched her for a moment before heading out.

"I’m going back to Arthur Palace," he said.

"I’ll handle the rest."


At Arthur Palace, Elijah sat in his study, his expression darkening.

He picked up his phone and made a call.

"Lando Yale," he said into the receiver.

"This is Elijah Norton, Dragon Marshal of the South. I need to see you immediately."

The pen was dancing between his fingers as usual.

Within an hour, Lando Yale, the chairman of the Yale Group, was ushered into the room.

His face was pale, and his hands were trembling. He felt the thirst in his throat with the fear.

"M-Marshal Norton," Lando stuttered.

"What can I do for you?"

Elijah’s eyes bore into him.

"You’re going to make a cooperation agreement with Sophia Donald," he said, his tone leaving no room for negotiation.

"You will reach a deal worth thirty million with her. No questions."

Elijah’s sharp gaze forced Lando to lower his face.

He swallowed hard, his body shaking.

"Y-yes, of course," Lando agreed quickly.

"Anything you say, Marshal Norton."

Elijah leaned forward, his eyes narrowing.

"Good," he said, his voice low and threatening.

"And remember, Lando, if you try anything, I will know. And you won't like what happens next."

Lando nodded frantically, sweat dripping down his forehead.

"It will be done, Marshal," he promised before stumbling out of the room, still trembling.

As Lando left, Elijah noticed Doug standing by the doorway.

"Weren’t you supposed to return to the South?" Elijah asked, raising an eyebrow.

Doug smirked.

"And miss all this fun? No way," he said.

"I’m staying. I’ll follow you wherever you go. Like your shadow or precisely, I will tail behind you like a loyal puppy."

Elijah chuckled.

"Alright then," he said.

"Let’s take a drive. There’s a place I need to visit."

Doug bowed his head to follow the order.

The car drove up a winding road, stopping at a secluded, peaceful cemetery.

Elijah and Doug got out, making their way to the Norton family mausoleum.

The air was heavy with silence.

Elijah stopped in front of a gravestone marked with his father's name.

His eyes softened, filled with a mixture of pain and fury.

"Ten years," he muttered.

"Ten long years since they tore this family apart."

Doug stood silently beside him, waiting.

Elijah’s voice grew colder.

"My father… he married that witch, Mary Shaw," he began.

"She framed my grandfather, accused him of rape. That accusation tore our family in two. My father and grandfather never spoke again."

Doug nodded.

"I remember," he said quietly.

"Then she pushed your father over the edge."

Elijah's fists clenched.

"She drove him to his death with her lies and manipulation," he continued, his voice thick with anger.

"And when my father died, the Shaw family moved in for the kill. My grandfather and the entire Norton clan were burned alive by the four major families. They wanted the Norton family’s heirloom—the Lava Heart."

Doug's eyes hardened.

"The priceless ruby," he said, understanding.

"That’s what all this was about. Greed."

Elijah nodded.

"Greed and power," he said, his voice cold.

"They took everything from us. And now, they’ll pay."

Doug glanced at Elijah, sensing the intensity of his emotions.

"So, what’s the plan, Marshal?" he asked, his tone serious.

Elijah turned to face him, a dangerous glint in his eyes.

"Tonight is the Shaw family’s celebration banquet," he said.

"They’re celebrating the long-term cooperation between the Fire Dragon Group—my family’s company—and the Yale Group, as well as Rick Shaw’s eightieth birthday."

Doug raised an eyebrow.

"What do you have in mind?"

Elijah’s lips curled into a grim smile.

"Prepare a coffin," he ordered.

"We’re giving the Shaws a ‘gift’ they’ll never forget."

Doug chuckled darkly.

"Understood, Marshal," he replied.

"A coffin it is. Consider it done."

Doug hesitated for a moment.

"Do you think they’ll expect something like this?" he asked, almost amused.

Elijah’s smile widened.

"Let them think they’re safe for now," he said.

"By the time they realize what's happening, it'll be too late."

Doug nodded, his grin matching Elijah's.

"Got it. I’ll make sure it’s delivered right in the middle of their party. That should get their attention."

Elijah stared back at his father’s gravestone one last time, a promise burning in his eyes.

"Tonight, the Shaw family will know what true fear feels like," he muttered.

As they turned to leave the cemetery, Doug spoke up again.

"Do you think they’re ready for what’s coming?" he asked a hint of excitement in his voice.

Elijah's expression hardened.

"They’d better be," he replied. "Because I’m just getting started."

Doug laughed.

"I wouldn't want to be in their shoes tonight."

Elijah nodded, his face set like stone.

"Tonight is just the beginning. They took everything from us, Doug. Now, it’s time they feel the same loss."

Doug’s eyes gleamed with a mixture of loyalty and anticipation.

"I’m with you, Marshal. All the way to the end."

Elijah glanced at him, a rare smile breaking his stern face.

"I know, Doug. And that’s why we’ll win."

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