5. A Challenge for Honor

The morning sun streamed through the window as Elijah and Sophia stood before a modest altar, their hands clasped together.

The ceremony was simple but heartfelt. Sophia’s heart pounded in her chest.

"I do," she whispered, her voice steady with determination.

Elijah's eyes met hers.

"I do," he said firmly, sealing their vows.

After the ceremony, they returned to the Donald family home where Sophia's father, Bob, lived in a small, worn-down wing of the estate.

His influence in the family was minimal, and it showed in his modest surroundings.

Sophia's eyes were saddened at the sight.

"Father," she called softly, approaching him.

Bob looked up, his eyes dull.

"Sophia?" he mumbled, his voice weak.

He hadn’t expected her to visit, let alone look so radiant.

"I’m back, Father," Sophia said, smiling warmly.

"And I’m married now."

Bob’s eyes widened.

"Married? To him?" he asked, glancing at Elijah with a mix of confusion and fear.

Elijah nodded, stepping forward.

"Yes, sir. I’m Elijah Norton, Sophia’s husband," he introduced himself, his tone respectful.

Bob nodded slowly.

"I see… I see…" he murmured, still processing the information.

Just then, May entered the room, her eyes scanning Sophia from head to toe.

"Who is this woman?" she asked, her voice sharp.

"Why is she here?"

Sophia turned to her mother.

"It’s me, Mother. Sophia," she said softly.

May’s eyes widened as she finally recognized her daughter.

"Sophia? Is that really you?" she gasped, stepping closer.

"What happened to your face? You’re… you’re beautiful again!"

Sophia inclined.

"Elijah helped me," she said simply.

May’s attitude shifted instantly.

"Oh, my dear daughter!" she exclaimed, her tone suddenly sweet.

She embraced Sophia, but her eyes quickly turned cold toward Elijah.

"But you, Elijah, you’re not good enough for her," she said bluntly.

Elijah didn’t flinch.

"I’m her husband now," he replied calmly.

"That’s not going to change."

May’s face tightened.

"We’ll see about that. Sophia, come with me," she said, taking Sophia’s hand.

"We’re going to see your grandfather."

Sophia hesitated.

"Mother, I’m not going to ask him to cancel anything," she said firmly.

May’s eyes flashed with irritation.

"You will do as I say," she insisted.

"This is for your own good."

Reluctantly, Sophia followed May to the main Donald family villa. Elijah trailed behind, his expression unreadable.

When they entered, the room fell silent.

The family members stared at Sophia, their jaws dropping.

She looked like a heavenly beauty, nothing like the disfigured woman they remembered.

Ethan’s eyes widened.

"Sophia?" he asked, disbelief clear in his voice.

"Is that really you?"

May stepped forward.

"Father, look at her! She’s stunning now. She can do much better than Elijah. Break the tie between them," she demanded.

Ethan nodded slowly.

"You’re right," he said, stroking his chin.

"Elijah isn’t worthy of someone like her."

Sophia stepped forward, her eyes blazing.

"I’m already married to Elijah," she declared.

"And if you try to annul this marriage, I’ll disfigure myself again!"

Gasps filled the room.

Ethan’s face darkened.

"You dare threaten me?" he thundered.

Elijah stepped up beside her.

"No one will force my wife to do anything," he said, his voice calm but strong.

"We are already married. It’s done."

Reno, who had been watching from the side, scoffed.

"You? A lowly soldier, married to Sophia? What a joke."

Elijah turned to him, his eyes cold.

"Careful, boy," he warned.

"You wouldn’t want to embarrass yourself in front of everyone."

Reno's smirk faltered.

"Who do you think you are, talking to me like that?"

Elijah’s eyes narrowed.

"Someone who isn’t afraid to put you in your place," he shot back.

"Do you want to find out just how much of a joke I am?"

Reno clenched his fists, his face reddening.

"You think you can come here and talk down to me?" he spat.

"You’re nothing!"

Elijah’s tone remained calm but firm.

"Talk is cheap, kid. Step up if you’ve got something to prove."

Ethan, seeing his grandson embarrassed, snapped.

"Enough, Elijah! I don’t care who you think you are. You’re not welcome here. Leave now, and I’ll pay you to stay away."

Sophia grabbed Elijah’s arm.

"Grandfather, please," she pleaded.

"Don’t do this. Elijah has done nothing wrong."

Elijah put a hand on Sophia's shoulder.

"It’s okay," he whispered to her.

He turned to Ethan, his expression serious.

"I’m not interested in your money, old man."

Ethan’s eyes narrowed.

"Then what do you want? To drag our family name through the mud?"

Elijah chuckled softly.

"No. But I don’t mind proving my worth," he said.

"Let’s make a bet."

Ethan leaned forward, intrigued despite himself.

"A bet? What kind of bet?"

"If I can secure a cooperation order worth thirty million with the Yale Group within ten days, you accept our marriage," Elijah proposed.

"And you treat Sophia with the respect she deserves."

Reno burst out laughing.

"You think you can negotiate with the Yale Group? Dream on!"

Elijah’s eyes locked onto Reno's.

"What’s wrong, Reno? Afraid of a challenge?" he taunted.

Reno scowled, glaring at him.

"You’re going to fail, and I can’t wait to see it."

Ethan raised a hand, silencing the room.

"Very well," he said.

"You have ten days, Elijah. If you fail, you will leave Sophia and this family forever."

Elijah nodded.

"Agreed. But I don’t need ten days," he said confidently.

"I’ll have the deal done by tomorrow."

The room erupted in murmurs of disbelief.

Ethan scoffed.

"Tomorrow? Do you think we’re fools?"

Elijah smiled coolly.

"No, I think you underestimate me. And that’s your mistake," he replied.

Sophia turned to Elijah, her eyes wide with a mix of fear and hope.

"Can you really do it?" she whispered.

Elijah smiled, squeezing her hand.

"Trust me," he said softly.

"I always keep my promises."

Ethan leaned back, a skeptical look on his face.

"We’ll see, Elijah. We’ll see," he said, almost daring him.

As they left the villa, Sophia looked up at Elijah, her heart pounding with a mix of anxiety and anticipation.

"You’re really something," she said quietly.

Elijah chuckled, his confidence unshaken.

"Just wait until tomorrow," he replied.

"I’ll show them who they’re dealing with."

Sophia smiled, her nerves calming a bit.

"I believe you, Elijah," she said.

"I really do."

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