Chapter 0003


Barely five minutes into their drive to the mall, Jack noticed a cop car with sirens on, flashing headlights at him and it was a signal for him to pull over.

He slowed down the car and pulled over to the side of the road.

“Good evening Officer. Is there any problem?” Jack asked, propping his head outside the window a bit and smiling at the officer.

“License, registration and ID please,” The officer replied coldly.

Jack retrieved the said documents and handed them to him. He drummed with his fingers on the steering wheel as he watched the officer glance through them.

Suddenly the officer stepped back and pulled his gun out. “Kindly step out of the car sir, slowly.”

“Why, Is something wrong officer?” Bianca asked from the back of the car where she was sitting.

The cop ignored her and fixed his gaze on Jack who was already coming out of the car. Jack thought he had nothing to fear. He wasn’t doing anything illegal and he had no criminal involvements.

“Turn around slowly and put your hands on the car. Please don’t make any sudden movements, I’m going to search you and then I’m going to search your car.”

This time, Jack was agitated. “Search me and my car? What for? Why would you just stop me and want to search me and my car? My wife and I were just going to the mall. This is totally uncalled for.”

“Please do not teach me how to do my job sir. Do as I have said willingly or I would have no choice but to use force,” The cop replied sternly.

Jack didn’t want any trouble and he had nothing to fear so he complied. The officer began to search Jack and Jack’s eyes widened when he saw the officer remove his hand from his trousers pocket with a white substance in a small bag.

“What is that?!” Jack blurted out in surprise and irritation.

“I should be the one asking you Mister,” The cop said as he used a hand signal to call his partner who was standing by their van. “Stay right there,” He said to Jack as he handed the bag to his colleague.

His colleague took a whiff of the substance and then dipped his finger inside it before touching his tongue with it. He screamed. “It’s Cocaine! This man is a drug dealer! Arrest him.”

“What?! That’s impossible! You set me up, you put that in my pocket. You set me up!” Jack cried out, turning to face the cop but he didn’t expect what happened next.

The first cop hit him in the face with his gun, instantly tearing the corner of his eye and blood started to gush forth.

Jack grunted as the man kicked his knees but he stood firm, refusing to fall. “Why are you hitting me? This is illegal. I haven’t even been proven guilty. You are a crooked cop!” Jack challenged the police officer still and Wham!

Jack got another blow to his face with the gun and this time he fell to his knee, spitting out the blood that filled his mouth from the gun connecting with his chin.

The officer wasted no time in throwing Jack’s hand behind him and cuffing him. “You bloody criminal, you dare call me a crooked cop? I will show you what we do to criminals like you.”

While all this was going on, Bianca remained inside the car, giggling at the sight of Jack’s plight. Her grandfather had promised to make her the next heir of the Kent family by giving her the lion share of his inheritance if she divorced Jack and married Luke Garner.

Bianca knew how much Jack loved her. She knew he would never sign a divorce with her, even if she outrightly told him to do so. Jack would refuse and believe that it was her family who was putting her under pressure to do so. So she and her grandfather came up with a crazy idea to get Jack out of their lives once and forever.

She rushed out of the car as they led Jack to the boot of the car to search it. Before now, Bianca had kept a duffel bag containing the same hard substance in there.

“Officer please,” She went on her knees and clutched the man’s leg, faking her tears. “I know my husband. He is a responsible citizen. He would never do a thing like this! Please, this is a misunderstanding.”

Jack couldn’t believe that his beautiful and sophisticated wife was the one on her knees, crying and begging on his behalf. He was beyond dumbfounded and his heart was full of many emotions. He thought he had finally won her over after all these years and she was finally showing her love for him.

Jack felt so angry at the police officer that he believed had set him up. He struggled with the man. “Let me go! Let me go! I am innocent! You are making my precious wife kneel for something I didn’t do. This is wrong, so wrong!”

The officer responded by giving a hard slap to the back of Jack’s head. “Shut up! You are a drug dealer and I will prove it.”

“Madam, please stand up, this criminal is not worthy of a precious woman like you. He is a nuisance and a menace to our society.”

“Open this boot!” He instructed his colleague as Bianca stood up to her feet and crossed her arms against her chest before she winked at the police officer with a smirk on her face.

The police officer understood and winked back at her with a smirk of his own planted on his face. Jack couldn’t see it, because his eyes were trained on the boot of his car while the first cop held him tightly on his knees.

When the cop opened the boot, Jack had some other items in there but he went straight for the duffel bag containing the cocaine. After all, he was the one who gave it to Bianca and her grandfather.

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