Chapter 0004


The cop grabbed the bag and threw it in front of Jack before zipping it open. Jack's eyes almost popped out of his socket when he saw the bag full of cocaine that had just been brought out of his boot.

His heart sprinted as realization hit him. He had been set up. He had never seen that bag in his life before.

“This bag is not mine! I have never seen this bag in my life before, Someone is trying to set me up! That bag doesn’t belong to me!” Jack cried out bitterly, screaming at the top of his voice.

“Shut up, you bloody drug dealer!” The second cop spat out hot at Jack.

“How could you Jack, how could you bring such disgrace to me and my family?” Bianca asked in a harsh tone. Her eyes narrowed at him and her expression hardened.

“Believe me Bianca,” Jack replied, almost in tears. “These drugs are not mine, someone is trying to set me up.”

“Shut up Jack! Just shut up! They found drugs in your pocket and a bag full of it in your bag and you dare to lie to me?” Bianca blew hot, looking really disappointed at Jack.

Jack shook his head and felt ashamed of himself. Just when Bianca was starting to show her love for him, he had disappointed her. He knew he was innocent but he had no evidence or alibi to prove it. No matter what he said, no one would believe him. Bianca was right. They did find drugs on him and in his car.

“It’s not my bag my love, believe me, I have never used or sold drugs in my life,” He muttered weakly, raising his blood covered face to look at Bianca but she had no pity for him and continued to berate him.

“You disgust me right now Jack, drugs? Really? Is it because of the money? Despite the way my family insults you for your poverty stricken wretchedness, I stand by you,” Bianca faked her tears and cried even more again.

“Is this how you wanted to pay for the ten million dollar loan? But I said I was going to give you the money. Grandpa even asked Gerald to pay it for you. If my family heard this, I will be ruined, you have doomed me Jack,” Bianca cried harder like it was real.

Jack felt heartbroken and it hurt him deeply to see how much this misunderstanding was hurting her. He desperately wanted to console her and tell her it was a lie but she wouldn’t believe him.

“Madam, you deserve better than this criminal,” The second cop said.

“Move it, you asshole!” The first cop forced Jack to his feet and led him towards their van.

“I didn’t do this Bianca! I didn’t do this, believe me!” Jack protested as they led him away.

As they forced Jack into their van, Bianca wiped her fake tears and muttered. “Good riddance,” before she got into Jack’s car and turned the car around to inform her family of the good news.


Jack thought he was just going to be interrogated and charged to court when he got to the police station but nothing prepared him for what he was about to go through.

As soon as they got to the police station, he was taken to a private cell and they stripped him completely naked and he was tied, hands and feet to a chair. The corrupt police officers gagged him and put a bag over his head before they started beating him mercilessly.

They beat him so hard and hit him all over his body till Jack fell unconscious. It was only then they removed the bag from his head and revived him before leaving him alone in the dark and cold cell.

The next day, Jack suffered the same horrible fate and this time, they deliberately did not cover his face and they targeted his eyes until it was swollen shut and he could barely see anything.

Again, it was only when he passed out that they let him go. Jack was all alone, beaten, broken and half dead in that tiny cold cell for three whole days.

He wasn’t given any food to eat. His naked body was exposed to the cold and his bones hurt. Rats would come at night to nibble at his toes. The rats tortured him at night while the cops tortured him by day. Life became hell for Jack. He just wanted to die.

He didn’t understand why he wasn’t being charged to court, why he was being given this inhumane and cruel treatment. He suspected there was something else at play, this was not ordinary. This was not the due process.

“Wake up Asshole,” Jack heard the voice of one of the cops faintly as he felt water splash on him. “Today is your lucky day, the Kent family are paying for your bail. They don’t want your crimes soiling their family name.”

For the first time since Jack knew the Kent family, he felt truly grateful to them. Even if they were doing it for their selfish interest, he was genuinely grateful in his heart that they were saving him from the dehumanization he had been subjected to for the past three days.

When they untied him from the chair, Jack couldn’t see anything, both his eyes were still swollen, he couldn’t even stand on his feet and dress himself.

After roughly dressing Jack up and dragging him to an office, the officer asked him to sign his bail papers and leave.

“Take, sign your bail and get out.”

Jack weakly stretched his hand to the left but the pen was on the right. “Idiot,” the cop cussed him out.

The cop held Jack’s hand himself and guided Jack to where he should sign. Jack didn’t even see what he was signing, he just knew he signed eight times on four documents.

“Get out! If you like, keep dealing drugs, next time I catch you, you won’t survive it,” The cop snarled as he and his colleague tossed Jack out of the building.

Jack mustered whatever strength that he had left and stood up to his feet but before he even took five steps, he collapsed and passed out.

Just then, a Bentley truck screeched and parked in front of the police station. A posh, elegant and sophisticated young lady stepped out with her bodyguard.

“Quick, get him in the car,” She ordered.

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