Chapter 0007


The smile on Luke’s face increased as the dogs pinned Jack to the floor but it vanished immediately, when he saw that instead of mauling and clawing Jack, the killer dogs were licking him and wagging their tails like puppies that were given gift bones.

Jack chuckled on the floor as their tongues tickled his face.

“Stop it Bruno.”

“Be a good boy chasyn.”

“Haha, stop that Milo.”


All three spectators that were expecting to hear Jack scream and beg watched in horror as he laughed, being licked by and playing with the dogs.

Their eyes popped out of their sockets and their mouths literally touched the floor as they stared at the sight before them.

Not only were the vicious looking dogs being over friendly with Jack, the security guard did not even know that the dogs had names.

Jack stood up from the floor as the four dogs circled around him, panting and wagging their tails in excitement. What the security guard did not know was that from the time when the dogs were puppies, Jack would always give them extra food and play with them. He was the one that also gave them their names and he also trained them to listen to his command. To the dogs, Jack was their best friend and master.

“Such useless dogs, are they not supposed to be our security against criminals like him? Look at how they are playing with him. Just looking at them you would have thought they were deadly,” Marcus said and hissed, coming out of the security post.

The moment he stepped out, the dogs rushed at him. He was about to run back inside but Charlotte had locked the door from inside.

Bark. Bark. Bark.

All four dogs had him pinned to the wall with nowhere to go, barking and snarling at him deathly, ready to tear him apart.

“Get away, Get away,” Marcus cried like a baby as one of the dogs bit the helm of his trousers. It wasn’t the liquid that was rushing from Marcus' eyes that made Jack chuckle lightly but the one that wet his pants.

Yes, Marcus was so scared that he had peed on himself.

“Here boys,” Jack said and the dogs were immediately at his feet.

“Now sit and stay,” He ordered, rubbing each of their heads and the dogs sat, staying put.

While all this was going on, Charlotte and Luke were watching in shock and embarrassment, unable to do or say anything out of fear that Jack could set the dogs on them.

Jack walked closer to Marcus to where he was standing.

“What’s that smell?” Jack said with a mocking smirk as he scrunched and pinched his nose.

“Did you pee on yourself Marcus? How about we go inside so you can change and I can talk to Bianca?”

Jack was struggling hard to hold in his laughter. He didn’t believe how weak Marcus was that he even peed on himself.

“What? Marcus, is that true?” Charlotte asked from inside, still afraid to come out.

Marcus ignored her and answered Jack as he carefully avoided the dogs, walking towards the mansion. “Bianca is not home but you can go to your quarters and wait,” Marcus spoke very softly.

Inside his head, Marcus was furious at Jack for embarrassing him like this. He was cussing out Jack in his head and vowing to deal with him but he did not dare to utter his grievances. For Marcus, the fear of those dogs was the beginning of wisdom.

As Jack and Marcus walked inside, Charlotte yelled, realizing she would be stuck with the security guard and the dogs outside.

“What about me? What about me?!”

For a moment, Jack thought about leaving her stuck in the security post as a punishment for all the insults that she always hurled at him but no matter what, she was still the mother of his wife.

“Luke, take them-” Jack paused when he saw a white Rolls Royce wraith that he had never seen in the compound before, driving up to the gate.

Because Jack had ordered the dogs to stay, they were all as docile as lambs and didn’t bark at the car as Luke hurried to open the gate for the car to drive in.

Jack watched the car with keen interest as it came to a halt right in front of him. The first person that stepped out of the car was someone that Jack absolutely hated.

It was none other than Trent Garner, the same man who had been chasing his wife for three years. The same reason why her family has been pressuring him to divorce her.

It was when Bianca stepped out behind Trent that Jack felt stunned and absolutely betrayed. To make matters worse, when Bianca saw Jack and stepped out of the car, she felt absolutely disgusted by him.

She rolled her eyes at him and put her hands across Trent’s neck before she kissed Trent passionately right in front of Jack.

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