Nora sat across from Michael, her brows furrowed in confusion. She couldn't understand why he was refusing to meet her parents, especially when they had expressed their desire to get to know him. It was important to her that her parents accepted their relationship, and their approval meant everything.

"Michael, I don't understand," Nora said softly, her voice tinged with disappointment. "My parents want to meet you. They want to get to know the man I love. Why are you hesitating?"

Michael shifted uncomfortably in his seat, his gaze avoiding Nora's eyes. He knew that revealing the truth would only put their relationship in jeopardy, but he couldn't keep hiding the dark secret any longer. He took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts before finally meeting her gaze.

"Nora, I want nothing more than to meet your parents, but I c meet them now," Michael replied, his voice laced with sadness.

Nora sat across from Michael, her brow furrowed in confusion and concern. "But why, Michael? Why c
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