Stephanie lay in her hospital bed, a sense of joy and exhaustion washing over her. In her arms, she cradled her newborn baby—a precious gift of life that had entered the world only moments ago. The room was filled with warmth and love as her husband, Jakes, stood by her side, his eyes shimmering with pride.

The sound of a soft knock on the door broke the tranquillity, and Stephanie's heart swelled with anticipation. She knew exactly who was on the other side. With a gentle smile, she beckoned her parents, Mr and Mrs Allison, to enter.

Paul, Stephanie's father, entered the room first, his face beaming with happiness. He rushed to his daughter's side, gently placing a hand on her shoulder. "Stephanie, my darling, you've brought another blessing into our lives," he said, his voice filled with emotion.

Tears welled up in Stephanie's eyes as she looked into her father's proud gaze. "Thank you, Dad," she whispered. "I'm so grateful to have you here."

Mrs Allison followed her husband, her ey
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