003 - Accidentally Meet Up

My cell phone alarm has been ringing for a few minutes. My ears heard it fine, but my consciousness refused to open my eyes. My left hand tried to find it and grabbed it, before my eyes slowly opened.

At 07:27 AM.

"Oh snap! I have to get up now," I muttered, immediately straightening up.

My body was feeling sore from having to sleep sitting in front of the emergency room. I blinked my eyes several times before I stepped into the hospital bathroom. I washed my face and tidied my hair. I didn't have time to go home and clean up. I immediately ran to the cafe where I work.

"Come on, I can't be late on my first day of work." I decided not to ride a vehicle and chose to walk.

Another five hundred meters, I would arrive while the time was already 07:58 AM. The pedestrian lights were still red and the cars were still hurtling down at top speed.

"Come on, hurry up." I mumbled while beating-tap my feet to the ground.

The sound of the lights rang and my feet stepped swiftly. However, who would have thought a car turned towards me and I almost got hit. The car horn blared so loudly and it made my heart pounding.

"Sorry, sir." I apologized immediately while bowing in front of the car.

However, the driver got out of the car and said, "Be careful kids, what if you get hit by the car, huh?"

"Yes, sorry sir. I was in a hurry so I didn't see the car from the left." I apologized and did not propose to extend the existing problem.

"Theo?" A passenger from the same car got out and called me.

'Aish, who else is it? I'm in a hurry. Why is everything so complicated?' I spoke with annoyance inside my heart. I pretended not to hear and sympathized. "Sorry again sir, I'm sorry." I immediately ran before the traffic light changed its color.

At 08:00 AM.

The sound of the bell above the cafe door rang as soon as I opened it wide. I burst into the bar while an employee on the same shift as me divulged unhappily.

"Sorry, I'm late." I said quickly when our eyes met.

"Hurry up, it's time to work."

I nodded my head and entered the locker room. I took off my coat and put my phone inside the pocket. I wore my apron and tied the strings behind my neck and waist. I checked my appearance one more time before jumping behind the bar.

"What should I help you with?" I asked my co-workers who have been busy all this time.

"There is an order, make it immediately and deliver it to table number five."

"Okay, I got this." I took the order note and read it.

One order of double shot americano, which was easy for me to make. I took the measuring cup and then the order glass. I poured two measures of black coffee into it and then filled it with water. When finished, I carried it on a tray to table five, as my co-worker mentioned before.

"Excuse me, sir." I flashed a smile and greeted the customer.

The customer turned his head and just stared at me with a strange look. I put the glass he ordered on the table before saying goodbye, "Enjoy your coffee."

"Wait a minute," said the customer, stopping me from wanting to go back to the bar.

"Is there anything I can help you with, sir?" I tried to be as professional as possible, even though I wasn't comfortable with the look he was giving me.

"Is it true that your name is Theodore?" He asked me.

The man looked like someone around 50 years old with neat work clothes. I looked at the watch that was wrapped around his hand; it looked quite expensive. Even though I was worried, that guy didn't look like a bad person.

"That's right, sir." I answered immediately.

"Do you have a minute to talk?" A tough question I had to answer.

I felt guilty with my co-workers if I had to leave again this time before it was too late. However, I had no real reason to decline his invitation to speak since there weren't many customers this morning. Finally, I decided to accept it when it told me how long I could talk.

"Yes, sir. But I only have about 5 minutes." I answered in the affirmative.

"No problem, thanks for taking the time." The man smiled gently as he stood up and then motioned for me to sit down. "Please, have a seat."

"Okay, sir. Thank you." I did as he said and sat down on the empty seat right across from him.

"Before that, my name is Harrison Hawthorne."

I was surprised when he introduced himself. An owner of a large company sat down directly with me and spoke to me personally. I think this is an honor for me.

"Mr. Hawthorne?" My eyes widened before I stood up and set about to greet him.

"No need, Theo. Please sit down, we can talk casually." Mr. Hawthorne looked very friendly.

"Thank you, sir." I tried to show my respect to him.

"Theo, I heard that your mother is being treated at the hospital and requires a large amount of money; is that true?" Mr. Hawthorne got straight to the point.

"Hmm, that's right. Excuse me, how is it that Mr. Hawthorne knew that? Sorry in advance if my question is not acceptable." I added while fiddling with my fingers in my lap under the table.

"My personal assistant told me." He answered honestly. "I think you've met him before."

I tried to remember and finally found out that the person who gave me the business card and a letter was Mr. Hawthorne. "Oh yes, I remember. He gave me a business card and a letter." I was nervous when I mentioned it.

Mr. Hawthorne just smiled and nodded his head. "If you allow me, I want to help pay for your mother's hospital."

I was very surprised when the person in front of me, a businessman with wealth who was included in the top 10 richest people list, wanted to help me. Even though we had never met before. Suddenly, I remembered the message I read earlier. The letter that was entrusted to me by his personal assistant.

‘Is this real?’ I wondered to myself. ‘Should I ask him?’

"How's it going, Theo?" Mr. Hawthorne asked again when I took too long to respond.

"Hmm, sorry, sir, before I answer it. Can I ask something?" I ventured to confirm.

"Please, ask anything." Mr. Hawthorne seemed very open with me.

"Is it true what is written in the message?" I paused for a while. "Is it true that Mr. Hawthorne is my father?"

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