004 - Stepson

Before my question got its answer, suddenly the cafe bell rang. A couple customers went in and were followed by a woman. I took a glance, and at the same time, my co-workers were calling me.

"Theo, can you help me?" He asked in front of the other customers.

I looked back at Mr. Hawthorne and said, "I am sorry, Mr. I need to go back to work. Nice to talk with you." I stood up and took a bow in front of him.

"Theo," he called me again.

"Yes, sir" I asked quickly because I really needed to go back to work.

"Please contact my assistant later. I invite you for dinner tomorrow." Mr. Hawthorne said while standing up and bringing his drink.

I didn’t even have a chance to answer; he just walked away, passing by me. I didn't have time to chase him because my co-workers started looking at me with his death glare. I ran back to the bar and helped him with the orders. Mr. Hawthorne's sentences made me unable to focus on my work.

"Axel, take this to table number three." My co-workers kept asking me to help him serve everything to the customers. "Axel!"

"Uh, yes?" I was just listening to him.

"Please focus; you are still working right now. Everyone is waiting for the order." My coworker complained.

"Yes, yes. I am sorry." I shook my head to make those thoughts disappear. "What table number is this for?" I carried as much as I could on both hands.

"Number three, four, and there." He was pointing to the table beside the window.

"Alright, I got this!" I made my body as busy as possible so I didn’t have to think about dinner.

At 2:00 PM.

"Thank you for your hard work today, guys. See you." Two co-workers came for another shift.

I took off my apron, wore my coat again, and said goodbye to them. "See you, fighting!" I raised my fist and smiled.

I walked out of the cafe and went to the supermarket, where I bought bread and juice. I paid it to the cashier and got out with them in my hands. I walked slowly back to the hospital while eating the bread and enjoying the juice. Everyone was walking around to approach the place they were planning to go to.

Red and green lights lit alternately while I was moving lightly. The sun burned my skin, but I didn’t care because I just enjoyed my trip. I arrived at the hospital and sat down in the chair in front of the receptionist. Suddenly, my memory recalled something that had just been said to me.

I took a name card from my pants pocket and saw it. "Do I have to call him?"

My finger traced the name that was written on this card. Preston.

"Alright, we don’t have a choice, right?" I took a deep breath while taking my phone and typing slowly on the number that showed on the card. "Okay." I titled my head before saving it and pressing the message button.

"Alright," said I while ready to type. "Dear Preston, no. No." I deleted it right away.

"Good day, Mr. Preston. Hello, I am Theo." I sent it first before continuing. "I will send you my address. Mr. Hawthorne invites me for dinner tomorrow." I was speaking while typing it on my phone.

I was reading it one more time before I put my phone back in my pocket. I went into my mother’s room and checked on her condition right now.

Tomorrow, at 4:55 PM

I had already stood up in front of the hospital entrance while looking at my watch. "Where is he?" I was so nervous when I couldn’t see the sign of Preston’s car.

Meanwhile, a black sedan with the brand Mercedes-Benz stopped right where I was standing. The driver of the car opened the back door for me. "Please, Mr. Theo." None other than that person was Preston, someone I've been waiting for.

"Thanks, Preston." I got in the car and saw Preston rushing into the driver's seat.

Throughout the trip, Preston and I didn't talk much. Occasionally, I would look at Preston in the rearview mirror and look away when he glanced back at me. My heart was beating very fast at every turn that passed because it indicated that the place was getting closer.

I also worry a lot about my appearance. I was only wearing black trousers, a white shirt that was almost faded in color, and sneakers. I didn't know if these were decent enough to eat with the Hawthorne family.

"We have arrived, Mr." Preston announced as his car stopped in front of a tall white gate that opened automatically.

I pressed my face against the side mirror of the car to see the house, which I was going to enter in a matter of seconds. A dominant white house like a palace that can accommodate approximately 50 people in it. The sedan I was riding stopped right at the door of the palace.

"Please come down, Mr.," said Preston, who had opened my car door.

"Ah, thank you." I stuttered and got out on shaking legs.

"Just come right in, Mr. Theo. Mr. Hawthorne is already waiting inside." Preston explained quickly before leaving me to park his car.

I scanned the house, and my gaze stopped at the main door. "Relax, Theo." I tried to regulate my heartbeat, which felt like letting go, by taking a deep breath.

I looked down and started to take my feet one by one up the stairs. Arriving at the door, I was about to knock on it, but suddenly the door opened by itself. "Please come in." The housekeeper has welcomed me warmly.

"Thank you." I flashed a small smile and continued walking.

Once inside, I could only open my mouth and be amazed by its splendor.

"Finally, you've come." A voice startled me.

"Mr. Hawthorne." I bowed and greeted him.

"Let's go straight to the dining table; everyone is waiting." Mr. Hawthorne immediately put his arm around my shoulder and led me towards the dining table.

My eyes still couldn't stay still and keep exploring the whole house, which really didn't make sense to me. Now I knew what it was like to walk into a billionaire's house. Truly far beyond what I could have imagined.

There were two people already gathered at the dining table. One was a beautiful woman and a boy who looked around my age. "Sorry for waiting too long." Mr. Hawthorne smiled and greeted them.

"It’s ok-" The woman stopped when she looked at me, someone who was a stranger.

"Good evening, Mrs. Hawthorne." I greeted her and smiled at the boy in front of her.

"Oh, sorry for not telling you. I invite someone here." Mr. Hawthorne squeezed my shoulder and smiled.

"Who is he, dad?" The boy asked while looking at me cynically.

"I know this is very sudden, but I don't want to cover this up with you guys anymore. I hope you guys can take it well."

"What are you talking about, honey?" His wife looked at him with a forced smile.

"Spencer, meet Theo, your half-brother."

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