Andrew finally shows up at the house after five days. Uma sights him from her bedroom window and she screams the whole place down as she rushes into her father's arms.

This is the happiest that Ruby has been in days now. She watches with her hands folded and a smile on her face.

Her parents are standing like bodyguards with stiff looks on their faces. They have agreed not to fight Andrew in front of Uma, but they have given him only ten minutes. If he is still in the house after then, they are going to drag him out by his front teeth.

Thankfully, Uma has not noticed anything. It pains Ruby to lie to her child, but she told Uma that her father traveled on a long trip. Thankfully, the young girl is not suspecting any foul play.

“Daddy! Daddy! I have missed you so much!” She clings her tiny hands to his neck. “I have missed when you read me night stories!”

“I've missed you too, my princess!” Andrew smiles at her. “Tell me, have you been a good girl to your mother and grandparents?”
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