James screws his face with disgust as soon as he hears those words from his father.

His father did not tell him that he had invited Andrew Carter into their house, but he also didn't even tell him that he was going to make Andrew his guard.

As soon as those despicable words leave his father's mouth, he stands up with very great anger.

“What the hell is this, father?!” He barks. “You invited this dog into our house and now you want to make him your personal bodyguard?!”

Even though James is raging in anger, Henry is not alarmed at all. He isn't even looking at James, he is still staring at Andrew, waiting for an answer.

Andrew looks at both father and son. Not knowing what to say to this. He sighs as he leans against the chair.

“Uhm, I don't think your son would like that very much.” Andrew points at James.

“You are so fucking right about that!” James shouts. “I should have fucking killed you when I have had the chance!”

James stands up, as if he wants to attack Andrew, but hi
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