Ruby feels like something snaps when she turns to see that it's truly Andrew who has walked in. Is this a dream? Is Andrew, the love of her life, finally back?!

Andrew walks into the room of men that are glaring at him and he goes straight to Ruby and lifts her back to her feet.

Her eyes widen, she would have used words to express her shock, but she can't speak.

“It's alright, Ruby. You are going to be fine.” He touches her face.

Dan sneers as jumps to his feet with anger. “Young man, who do you think you are? This is my toy and I will not let you interfere in my matters!”

Did this silly pig of a man just call Ruby his toy? Andrew's jaw tenses with anger.

“Surely your mother taught you better than to disrespect a fine lady like this, but I'm going to let that slide,” Andrew says. “Just get on your knees and apologize to Ruby.”

Dan turns around with an unbelievable snort. Has this stranger gone insane?

Ruby is stunned by what Andrew is saying. Has he lost his damn mind? Dan is going to kill them, all she wants is for them to run away before Mister Dan gets too angry.

She quickly signs some words with her fingers, but then he might not understand her because not a lot of people get sign language. She tries to grab her book, but he stops her with a knowing smile.

“It's okay, love,” he signs. “I understand you. Don't be afraid, I will protect you.”

Ruby holds her hand over her mouth in shock. She can't believe that he signed up for her! He understands her!

She jumps into his arms and gives him a very tight hug. She misses him since that night he disappeared.

From the moment she saw him in the burning car and even though she had PTSD because of her childhood friend who died in a fire, she jumped in to help him.

She has never regretted what she did that day, even though it has now caused her so many things. She would do it again, that's how much she loves Andrew.

She quickly signs to him again. “Let's get out of here, Andrew. This man is dangerous, he can hurt both of us.”

Andrew smiles at her as he signs back.

“No one is going to hurt you, love. We are not leaving till these men apologize for being so disrespectful to you.” Andrew says and also signs.

This causes an uproar in the whole club. This man has some audacity! Dan feels like he has been smacked in the face with disrespect.

“Enough of this, young man!” Dan shouts. “You must be crazy if you think I'm going to bow down to this whore. You better leave now or I will order my boys to kill you!”

“Fine, then, we can go the hard way.” Andrew walks over to him and grabs both of his arms and gives him a powerful kick that sends him crashing to his knees.

He shouts in agony, suddenly twenty men stand up and point their guns at Andrew.

Ruby starts to shake like a jellyfish, her lips are quivering with fear. She grabs Andrew's arm, silently begging him to free Mister Dan.

If they both get locked up by Mister Dan, her parents don't have enough money to bail them out.

“Apologize to her!” Andrew orders!

“Are you crazy?! I am going to kill you!” Dan says through clenched teeth.

Soon twenty more men run into the club, they have guns in their hands and they are all pointed at Andrew.

Andrew turns to Ruby. “Uma is waiting outside. Join her, I will be with you.”

But Ruby doesn't want to leave him alone to fight so many people by himself. He is just a poor guy, they are going to hurt him very badly.

“Ruby, go!” He begs. “I will be out in less than five minutes!”

She bites down her lips and nods. She grabs her priced violin and it's lit, and she makes a run for the door.

No one tries to stop her, they are more concentrated on Andrew.

Now that she is gone, Andrew gives them a sinister smile, his eyes turn dark.

“Now, where were you? Yes, the part where I said I was going to kill you if you didn't apologize to my wife!”

Andrew breaks Mister Dan's bone all the way and the man screams as spit flies out of his mouth.

The men rush to attack Andrew, but this is nothing compared to what he has seen in the wars he has led.

He breaks their guns like they are made of weak wood and he slams their bodies against the floors.

In a matter of minutes, there are piles of wounded men, rolling away from Andrew and his fury. No one has the heart to come at him again, they can see how skilled he is in combat. He is holding himself back from killing them.

He takes out a handkerchief and wipes the small amount of blood on his fist. This is as a result of his beating those men.

He looks around, seeing the jump of fear in the eyes of the men. “Who is the boss here?! I want a formal apology for treating my wife like she is some whore!”

Some mutter under their breath, but no one is brave enough to step out. Andrew grunts as he spits on the ground.

“I want a formal apology in three days, or I will be back.”

He buttons his jacket as he walks out of the club.

Outside of the club, there are over five police cars and twenty armed officers, Jasper and Adriana are standing behind them. They have come to arrest Andrew!

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