Before Amelia could make sense of what was happening, James had raised his hand and slapped her hard.

You... You... You... Amelia stammered in shock. She held her cheek. How dare you slap me?" She glared at James murderously.

James Miller, are you out of your mind? I'm your mother in-law. Amelia was angry.

She had never imagined that James would hit her one day.

Why did you hit me, you idiot! Amelia rushed towards him in anger and grabbed his shirt with her hands. I bet you had never thought about it. I will make sure my daughter divorce you!

She did not see another slap coming.

James raised his large hand and grabbed her neck. In an instant, Amelia was lifted off from the ground. Everybody present was too shocked by the cold aura emanating from James to go closer to help.

"Amelia Bailey, I have been putting up with your nonsense attitude for too long, said James. His eyes were red and he was fuming. You humiliated, shouted at me, but that's fine. But today you tried to kill my child.
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