Mr Meyer, for some unknown reason, the Martin family is involved as well, the assistant said I a calm voice. Now people from Mest organization are calling for Daniella's release. The situation is getting tricky.

Leo knew that the Martin family has close ties with Meast organization.

In recent years, thanks to the Martin family's support, Meast organization managed to gain legal status and rise from the underworld. It became the largest security firm.

Elites and wealthy clans sought it's security service. Lately, this company even intended to bring expand its business. As it appeared, this firm was rather influential.

It was unlikely that Daniella had established a connection with Meast organization. The only explanation was that the Martin family intended to use her kidnapping as her excuse to wage war against the Miller family.

"Alright, I got it, Leo heaved a long sigh and said gently, Tell Davis and Landon to get ready.

Holding his walking stick, Leo rushed over to James.

This time
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