It has been exactly a month. Or maybe more than a month as Vincenzo has already lost count. He had been through hell and at this point, all hope is lost. When weeks passed and nobody had even bothered to visit not to talk of bring him out, he figured then that maybe the guard had been right and he was going to spend two years in prison.

He felt betrayed, duped and pained. Not even Lilian, the love of his life had come to visit. He never thought they'll be a day like this in his life.

The line at the cafeteria was always the same routine everyday which Vincenzo had come to hate. It was impossible for him to miss the daily foods as they were given only once a day. But every day would often come with beatings, bullying and wounds. This particular day was going to be the same, he was sure. So, he had managed to sneak a small picker into his pocket while on the line.

"Hey, dimwit!" Scarr, the big man who used to be his cell mate yelled.

Vincenzo knew he was referring to him so he tried avoiding him.

"I'm talking to you, idiot!" Scar pushed him so hard he stumbled and fell on his face. The other prisoners cheered and laughed at him. He felt humiliated beyond measure. His heart churned and twisted.

"What happened? Have you lost your balls all of a sudden? Stand up to me and fight me like a man!"

Vincenzo knew what happened the last time he said that and he obeyed. He had been beaten to a pulp and had his back slashed multiple times until the guards intervened. Not that he couldn't fight back but he knew it would further lower his chances of ever getting out. So he kept his low. But this time, realizing he might have to complete his term in prison, he would do everything to keep Scarr off his back.

"Are you sure?" Vincenzo asked as he slowly stood up from the ground and everywhere became silent.

"What's that, dimwit? You've suddenly grown balls?" Scarr approached him and although they were almost the same height, Vincenzo's intimidating stature for his age made him look down a bit at the man.

"Yes. And they are neater than your raggedy ass balls will ever be..."

Scarr didn't let him finish his sentence before smacking the hell out of him. Vincenzo lost balance but not for long. He turned around and kicked Scarr in the knee and finally elbowed his chin making him spin around and fall. A gasp erupted from the cafeteria with all the men looking dumbfounded.

"And that's one point for not playing fair." He said and looked around in victory until his eyes caught something.

It was quite familiar but he couldn't place a finger on the blurry sight before him. So, he stepped forward, each step providing a clearer sight of the TV that is mounted on the wall of the cafeteria. Vincenzo kept walking until he saw what his mind had been trying to read to him.

"Daughter of an influential philanthropist and incoming senatorial election candidate, Lilian Johnson, has announced that the rumors of her wedding around the corner is true. Moreso, her fiance has also come out to confirm that the both of them are in love and want to prove their love for each other by making this decision." The reporter continued to say in a practiced tone.

Vincenzo felt his knees buckle, his heart dropped and his palms suddenly became sweaty.

"Lilian? She is getting married?" He asked no one in particular and would not believe this was really happening until one of the cafeteria cooks spoke up.

He had also been watching the news.

"Isn't this great? Two rich people getting married. Their children will be lucky."

There was something about the way he said it that sounded icky to his ears. What did he mean by their children will be lucky just because the two are rich? He clenched his teeth and his eyes were fixed on the TV as he shook his head.

"I even hear that the two may have been dating since they started going to college together. Don't know how true that is." One of the guards spoke up, eyes fixed on the TV.

"Anything can be true these days, officer. So long as there is a believable story."

He was right. One must not conclude that the news was true unless they shared vows and really become a couple.

But then, he remembered how Jason had always tried to win over his girl with gifts and Lilian kept turning him down.

"Jason and Lilian never saw eye to eye. How can they get married?" Vincenzo could now see that he had been tricked into being locked away so that Lilian can get married to her father's desired man.

He was still ruminating over this when he felt a strong grip over his shoulder.

"We are not done, dimwit."

Out of anger and frustration, Vincenzo brought out the picker from his pocket and stabbed his underarm. Scar yelled, a sound one would never think could emerge from a man that big.

Everyone gathered around them, fear written all over their faces. As he looked up and noticed the guards running towards them, Scarr writhing in pain and bleeding and the onlookers who saw everything, he knew then that there was no going out. He may truly spend two years or more in prison. He raise his hand, gesturing that he surrender.

Indeed, he was more useless than he thought and he just add more salt to his injury, now it appears he's going to be locked up for a very long time.

One of the officers came to see him so he was taken to the visiting room. For the first ttime, he was seeing someone other than his inmates or guards and cooks. He sat opposite the elderly man who had a strict look on his face.

"Hi, I'm officer Gonzalez and I've come to do some questioning."

Vincenzo blinked for a while before speaking up. "I'm Vincenzo. What questions do you have?"

"Did you ever do drugs before coming in here? I mean, were you involved in snuffing some stuff that may have caused mental problems later in the future?"

"I don't understand why you're asking me this but no." He snapped.

"Calm down. It's just normal that I question you about your mental health before sending you off to the highest ranked prison."

That's when he remembered what he did to Scarr. Now he is a going to be locked up in solitary, alone , abandoned and hopeless. Could life be any worse?

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