"Vincenzo, you have a visitor!" A stern voice called from the entrance of the dark solitary cell where Vincenzo was put since the fight he had with Scar.

His brows shot up and his eyes lit as he heaved a sigh of relief. Finally, Williams remembered him and decided to get him out.

Although, he was furious and he resolved to take it out on the man, he thought of the possible chances that him going to jail and Lilian announcing her wedding with Jason was all a test. It was all for Vincenzo to prove he was man enough to get married to Lilian.

"You have just an hour, Sir. I'll be back to take him in." The guard said before turning to leave him with a strange man.

The man was tall and slender, wearing a shiny black jacket over an outfit he was pretty sure would cost a fortune. His blonde hair with white streaks indicated he must be close to fifty years of age and if he hadn't smiled at him, he would have suspected he was in a bigger trouble. Surely, Williams must have sent him.

"Hello," Vincenzo greeted softly as he gently sat opposite the old man.

"It's so nice to finally meet you after many years, young Master," the man said with a broad smile that Vincenzo almost thought he must be joking. "My name is Bradley."

"Hold up," he cut in, holding up an index finger. "Did you just call me young Master?"

Bradley nodded curtly, his smile reaching his charming gray eyes.

"How...why? I don't understand. I don't even know you yet you claim it's been years since you have been wanting to see me. How is that possible? Who are you?"

Bradley dabbed his forehead with a handkerchief. "You must have so many questions. I understand. It's why I am here."

"Then explain. Didn't William send you? I thought that's why you are here."

"Your grandfather sent me."

Vincenzo opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out. He was beyond shocked.

"It's a long story. For now, all that is left is for you to come out of prison so that we can start anew for you."

He shook his head and scoffed.

"I don't get it. I have a grandfather who just now finally realized I'm here and he just wants me in his life, all of a sudden."

Bradley leaned in. "You don't know how far he's gone trying to look for you, son. It took a lot for me to know that you're here. Besides, Grandfather doesn't want you in his life..."

"Then, I guess this is the end of our discussion." He rose to leave and Bradley did the same, gripping his shoulder.

"He can't because he's dead. And he bestowed upon me the honor of finding you and serving you." Their eyes met and somehow, Vincenzo tried to find humor or the slightest hint of mockery in those grey eyes. However, they were as good as dead.

He swallowed.

"I don't understand."

"Sit first, and I'll make you understand." After a moment of hesitation, Vincenzo agreed and sat down. Bradley did the same. "Your grandfather is the one and only Inzaghi in the country. The number one most feared and most immune Mafia Leader who tried protecting your parents but could not. Some evil people killed your parents and were nowhere to be found."

Vincenzo shook his head, still unable to believe everything he's heard.

"You're telling me that my grandfather is possibly the richest man and even the most powerful man in the country or in the world, yet I'm here dying to survive."

Bradley looked to the ground first before looking back at him and nodded. "It was all for your good. Now that he's gone, he wants you to have all that belongs to him. Trillions of dollars worth of assets. If you want, of course."

He sighed, everything too much to take in. How could something so life altering and life changing just happen in seconds? Perhaps, he might be dreaming. He pinched himself hard to make sure he had not been dreaming all along.

"How's this even possible? Is this one of Williams trick?" As if that reminded him, he thought of Lilian again and how happy she was on TV with Jason as they were being interviewed.

Is it possible her father forced her? Was she threatened? Was this all a trick?

As Bradley came back an hour later to announce he has been released, he couldn't believe his ears, had to pinch himself when he got outside the correctional centre to confirm he isn't dreaming, having lost hope completely now his joy knows no bounds.

But more importantly he resolved in his mind that his first task is to get answers from Lilian himself. Hopefully, he is right and he would make sure he holds Lilian to himself. She belongs to him and no one else.


"Can I see her first?" Vincenzo asked as he held a pen over the papers before him.

After he got out of prison, Bradley had taken him to a company where a group of people stood around him, including a lawyer and several papers were laid before him.

"As soon as you sign those papers, you'll be able to get everything your grandfather left for you, the Inzaghi empire will be in your Palm"

Vincenzo sighed, still obsessed with meeting Lillian First "But if I can get answers to these burning questions within me, I can decide everything else then."

"Assets worth billions of dollars, liquidated wealth worth trillions and some investments in form of gold and diamonds. All you have to do is sign..."Bradley emphasised

"And all you have to do is listen to me. You drive me to her apartment. Now."

As soon as they got to the apartment, Vincenzo began to feel jittery. He hoped it will all go well but in case it doesn't, he had asked Bradley to park the vehicle at the end of the road.

After a few knocks, the door opened and there she stood, face gradually turning white.

"Lilian." Vincenzo smiled as he looked at his love. His heart bursting with joy.

"I'm back."


His smile slowly disappeared as he wondered what she meant.

"What do you mean? I'm out of prison, sweetheart and I'm here." He had expected a hug at least but the look of disgust she gave his opened arms made him recoil fast.

"You need to leave," she looked around. "I don't want the media spreading rumors about me. And I'm getting married soon. So, if you don't mind, can you leave?"

"Married? I thought that was just a joke...a trick. What about the agreement your father made with me?"

"What agreement? You went to Prison, Vincenzo, that's not good for my image or my father's. I can't marry you." His heart dropped, the same way his hope did. "You could not even finish studying even though you were on scholarship. I wouldn't pray to be such an unfortunate poor scumbag like you so, please, forget we ever had anything."

"What do you mean? I did this for you."

"And you think I didn't know? All of these was done because you were stupid, Vincenzo." She snickered. "I have no use for someone like you who I'm sure will die poor. You were simply a tool and I enjoyed using you for my father's ambition."

Nothing in her eyes seemed like she was afraid or threatened. She meant every word. Every single one of them. Vincenzo got the greatest shock of his life, even though every action had indicated he was used and abandoned, he still never bring himself to believe it until he heard those horrible words from Lillian, shattering his heart into pieces.

Lillian unfazed by his shocking expression"By the way, I've got a wedding to plan and you're in my way. If you will excuse me." She said, shutting the door at him, leaving him frozen on the spot.

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