"You could not even finish studying even though you were on scholarship. I wouldn't pray to be such an unfortunate poor scumbag like you so, please, forget we ever had anything."

"I have no use for someone like you who I'm sure will die poor. You were simply a tool and i enjoyed using you for my father ambition."

These words kept replaying in his head as he picked up the fountain pen on the side of the papers. The people who had gathered round him before were now gathered around him again as he sat at a garden dinner table. All the employees of the mansion in which he was, maids, cooks, housekeeper, butler, chauffeur, personal nurses and so on, had an expectant look on their faces.

"She called me an unfortunate poor scumbag," he repeated to himself as he stared directly ahead. "Let's see what happens when you realize how wrong you are, Lilian."

Vincenzo struck his signature over each paper, carefully reading through and grunting in satisfaction. All of these belongs to him now. And as much as he would love for life to move on, he needed to make Lilian and her father pay for sending him to prison with the intention of letting him be there for life and for using him. Though he is not willing to reveal his new identity yet, he'll still deal with each and everyone that has made life difficult for him.

"I spoke with some people and I figured you would not even be coming out ever. You were sent there to die." Bradley said

Vincenzo clenched his hand into a fist as he stared into space, anger welling up within him.

"Williams can't get rid of me that easily. Bradley," he waved over the butler who bowed slightly by his side. "Find out more about Lilian Johnson and her wedding plans. I need you to do something for me."


The sun was too hot for Lilian who quickly stepped into one of the many buildings she's been to since the beginning of the week, preparing for her wedding ceremony. Royal Crest Exquisite Centre was boldly engraved atop the building and as she had made her research, she knew she wanted no other hall except this. A hall with a six star review and no bad comment from any user, ranking number one in the city as well.

"Madame, this is like the last building in the city that we can hope will be free for us to do the reception." Lilian's assistant said, worry clouding her face.

Lilian rolled her eyes at the woman before turning to enter further into the place.

"If they don't give me this one, I'll make sure my father sues the owner and sends them to jail. Nobody can refuse me." She said, swaying towards the receptionist. "I'd like to book a hall here."

"Oh, hi. Kindly wait for your time with the manager for a few minutes. I'll let him know you're here."

Lilian heaved a sigh of relief as she took a seat. "Finally."

However, it turned worse when after three hours, Lilian had not seen the manager. She paced the lobby and fumed as she cursed in all the languages she knew.

An hour later, when the sun was getting ready to sleep, she was called into the office.

"I'll have my father lock up your company and maybe then, you will learn to stop acting like a stupid douche."

"I had other things to attend to, ma'am." The manager said calmly but she stopped him with a wave.

"I need your best hall for my wedding coming up this week. Unfortunately for me and fortunately for you, this is the one I want. So, get it together and make it available for me." With that, she walked away, proud of herself for finally getting a place for her wedding.

As she descended the stairs, she bumped into a familiar figure standing tall over her. Lilian swallowed hard and comported herself.

"What are you doing here?"

It was Vincenzo, dressed in a grey t-shirt and carrying a backpack. He had on a dark rimmed eyeglasses that made him look ridiculous, his shirt soaked with sweat. She gave him a disgusted look.

"What do you mean? I should be asking you this."

Lilian approached Vincenzo carefully, her gaze resolute. "If this is one of your antics to get me to return to you, best believe I'm going to send your ass back where you belong. The prison."

Vincenzo scoffed with disbelief. She still has the gut to mention prison,not feeling any remorse of what her father did to him "I am not even here for you."

"Oh, of course. You're here to clock in for your usual job. Being a cleaner." Lilian laughed before waving over the receptionist whose face looked like it had been drained of blood. "You over there, why did you employ an ex-convinct to your organization? I need to have a word with the owner of this hall. I will not use this place unless this criminal is fired."

", the thing is..."

"Quit stuttering and do what's needed."

It was one of the best in the city and she knew getting married in such an exquisite place would make the headlines and even give her father more publicity. Having Vincenzo work there would only cause more problems for her. So, she swayed her way out of the company, not sparing him as much as a glance.

"I hope you got that on record." Vincenzo turned to ask his manager who passed the sound recorder to him.

"Yes, boss."

The rest of the week was too busy for Lilian to think about anybody else, including the fact that Vincenzo had been released and her father had not known about it. She was getting married to Jason and that was all that mattered to her.

On the D-day, everyone was seated except the couples who stood before the priest and shared vows. A moment was given for them to have a dance which Lilian believed she had a blast doing.

"I can't believe this. You finally left that douchebag for me. I'm glad you opened your eyes to reality soon enough." Jason whispered into her ears as they danced, unaware that no matter how low their voice was, anyone in the media room could pick up their words. "Points for you."

"Don't get too excited, Jason. If I had not been dating him, some things would have been out of place with my dad. He just came in handy." Lilian replied, a scowl set on her face. "Besides, why would I want to end up with him anyway? My children will simply curse me out."

They both snickered.

"I hope he rots in jail where he belongs." Lilian's hand gripped Jason tightly as she stared into space, her face slowly crumpled. Those words reminded her of the last conversation she had with Vincenzo.

"Now, we are going to play videos and photos slideshow of the bride and groom in their childhood." The MC announced and everyone cheered and clapped. Everything was going on smoothly.

The hall darkened as light focused on the projector before a total of two hundred guests of reputable status. A black screen emerged at first but later, writings were seen on the screen.


Lilian frowned but things got even weirder when a video popped up and she started hearing her own words play back.

"You could not even finish studying even though you were on scholarship. I wouldn't pray to be such an unfortunate poor scumbag like you so, please, forget we ever had anything."

The guests gasped and Jason could be seen concentrating on the screen, equally confused.

"What's happening?"

Another video came up where Lilian was being rude to her assistant, the receptionist and the manager of the Royal Crest Exquisite Center. Commotion rose in the hall as everyone began to drop their own opinion.

Jason's video popped up too where he was seen bullying and beating up a kid in college. It was a recent incident that Jason hadn't even thought anyone else could have seen not to mention record.

"How's that even possible?"

The slideshow ended with a dark screen a writing asking, "Is this the power couple you want to entrust your political power with?"

There was an uproar and guests began to walk out of the hall. Lilian's eyes had watered as she sat on the chair, heart beating fast.

Williams was seen running after Jason's father.

"I can explain..."

"Explain what?" He asked as he turned around to face Williams. "Explain how someone managed to humiliate my son and it came from your side. You're the one with enemies."

"You don't understand. I don't know how this came about too."

"So much for the man respectable and known for giving alms and charity. I'm sorry but our partnership can't work out." He walked away and drove off in his car, leaving Williams and Lilian devastated.

She turned towards Jason who eyed her disgustingly before speaking.

"So, your father's plan is to bring me down along with him, I see. This wedding is over."

Lilian didn't need anyone to tell her as she glared back at the projector with tears in her eyes that someone was behind all these. Who could it be? She rushed upstairs towards the media.

"What happened?"

"I swear, ma'am, I don't know." She smacked him across the face, livid with anger.

"What on earth happened with the media!?" She screamed at the media personnel who just stood watching.

The one who seemed like the leader came forward.

"I think it came from the head media room. We tried accessing the place but we couldn't. We asked if they knew about the video playing downstairs and they said a family of yours had brought it saying that's what should be played."

Lilian's knee buckled. "Who could have had the nerve to do that?" Obviously, someone who had a upper hand and could access the room.

Meanwhile, in the media room, hidden behind the shadows was Vincenzo. He had a smirk on his face as he sat on an executive chair before the camera. The workers in the media room were all standing behind him, watching the screen keenly as the drama unfolded before them.

"This is just the beginning, Lilian."

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