Chapter 34

The Poisoned Gift

Victor believed he had finally eliminated the Phantom, the elusive enemy who had been a thorn in his side for so long. But he was unaware that the man he had defeated wasn’t the real Phantom.

That hot and exhausting afternoon, Victor stood by the large window in his office, the city’s skyline shimmering in the twilight. The room was unusually quiet, a stark contrast to the chaos that had consumed their lives in recent weeks.

Emma sat across from him, flipping through a stack of documents with furrowed brows. She was focused, yet a lingering tension hung in the air between them, unspoken but undeniable.

A knock on the door broke the silence, making them both look up. Emma’s eyes met Victor’s, a question unspoken but clear in her gaze.

“Come in,” Victor called out, his voice calm but with an edge that had become second nature.

A courier entered, holding a small, intricately wrapped box. “This just arrived for you, sir,” the courier said, handing it to Victor.

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