Chapter 51

Emma stood firm, the inferno blazing in front of her, her expression cold and unwavering. The gunman’s pleas for mercy fell on deaf ears, the flames growing taller with every passing second. His screams were lost in the crackling roar of the fire as the truck became an inescapable prison, a final reckoning for the man who had hunted her down.

Her breath came in sharp, shallow bursts, but she didn’t move. She felt no pity, no remorse. Only the weight of justice, burning as bright as the flames before her.

Her voice was barely a whisper, but it cut through the night like a blade.


The night was silent except for the fire that consumed everything.

Emma lay on the ground, barely conscious, her vision fading in and out as the sirens grew louder. She felt like she was floating, her body heavy and unresponsive. The distant sound of car doors slamming and hurried footsteps filled her ears, but she couldn’t move. Everything was slipping away.

“Over here!” a woman’s voice shouted. “We’v
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