Chapter 9

Richardson wasn’t sure of how to react to that statement, nor did he understand how he was supposed to make sense of this current situation. He took another long look at the matured looking man and shook his head to himself, there’s no way they’re both related in any way, he silently mused.

“I- I don’t understand.” Richardson ended up breathing out after a few long moments has passed.

The matured looking man shifted in his seat, and then he pulled his glasses off his nose and placed it on the table before him, and Richardson instantly noticed that the man couldn’t meet his face in that moment.

“I’ll explain everything to you.” The matured looking man finally said, and Richardson nodded his head in response, while still feeling confused, but also curious.

“You see… I have only one son, or at least I used to have one, until death snatched him from me so suddenly.” The man paused and Richardson leaned forward a little, while silently wondering what that had to do with him.

“And while he was alive, he fell in love with a woman, who’s your mother.” 

Richardson gulped hard at that and felt himself tense up.

“My son was the one who was supposed to take over my spot in my empire, and he needed to get married to a woman of high status, but he ended up falling for your mother, who was a hand maiden back then.” 

The man continued and Richardson’s fingers tightened into a fist, but he said nothing.

“I couldn’t afford to let the image of my son and myself be tarnished, nor could I bear to watch him treat his duties so offhandedly and lightly… I was so foolish back then, and so I had your mother captured one night and threatened to have her killed if she doesn’t disappear from the face of the earth.”

Richardson’s nose flared in anger and his teeth grinded against each other, as he pinned the matured looking man with a furious look.

“You threatened to have her killed?” Richardson echoed with a barely restrained anger. The man nodded his head solemnly. “Yes, I did. I was so stupid then. I gave her some money and ordered her to run away.”

Of course, you were stupid as hell. Richardson thought silently to himself just as the man continued.

“And when my son came to me, demanding the whereabouts of your mother, I informed him of what I had done, and he was extremely devastated.”

“Why are you telling me all of this?” Richardson asked after a moment, still feeling quite confused.

“Because, after I had informed my son of what I had done, he informed me of how your mother was pregnant with his child.” The man paused and pressed his fingers into his eyes.

“And, it was at that moment that I realized that I had made the biggest mistake of my entire life.” 

Richardson felt numb, it was like he got doused with icy water. He couldn’t believe his ears, nor could he fully wrap his head around what he had just heard.

The thought that his mother had been treated that badly in the past, made his blood start to boil angrily. To think she never told him about any of these.

Each time he asked about his father back then, she’d tell him stories about how amazing his father was and about how he was working to create a better life for them… until he stopped buying those stories once he grew older. 

“So… your son is my…” Richardson began to speak.

“Yes, he’s your father, which makes you my grandchild.” The man responded, and Richardson sucked in a deep breath while trying to let that new realization sink in.

“Why did you start to look for me now all of a sudden though?” Richardson demanded and a pained expression crossed the matured looking man’s face. 

“After your mother, my son never got to like another woman, his arranged marriage was a complete disaster, and he ended up dying without siring a child… except you.” The man explained and Richardson sucked in a sharp breath.

“So… if that didn’t happen, you wouldn’t have looked for me.” Richardson pointed out and the man flinched, being unable to meet Richardson’s eyes.

“Did my father even look for my mother and I at all? Before he died, that is.” Richardson spat out, a bitter taste lingering in his mouth.

The man nodded his head instantly. “He did, he never ended up forgiving me for sending your mother away.” There was so much pain in the man’s voice as his spoke, but Richardson couldn’t find it in him to feel sorry.

“And, I’d have looked for you if my son hadn’t died, I had always looked for you since the moment I realized I had made a grave mistake.”

That information didn’t make Richardson feel better, or less angry. He felt like he was only sought after now that the man’s son was gone, and also because of the matured looking man’s guilt. 

“Can you please find it in your heart to forgive me for my past mistake?” The man finally breathed out and Richardson gave him a pointed look without saying a thing.

Forgive him? Just like that? I think not. Richardson thought.

His mother was still in the hospital, in a deep coma. His mother had suffered throughout her entire life since he could remember, and she wouldn’t have had to suffer if this man hadn’t forcefully tear his parents apart.

Which was why Richardson was still feeling very angry. He thought about all the hardship he went through while growing up, not knowing that he was from a family this well off.

Richardson thought about running around for money throughout an entire day only to see his mother in the cold corridor of the hospital, and he felt angrier.

When Richardson still didn’t respond, the man pushed himself to his feet and said. “I know you hate me right now, but I promise to do everything I can to compensate you.” 

The man motioned for Richardson to come with him while leaving the study.

“This way, young master.” A man dressed in a suit said with a bow as Richardson walked past him, along with the matured looking man, towards where Richardson realized was a large looking door.

The door got pulled open by two servants, and Richardson’s mouth fell open in shock when his gaze landed on his mother. Some doctors and nurses were doing different things in the room, but it was obvious that they were all attending to her. 

A doctor was beside her bed, checking her vitals, and Richardson rushed forward to grasp his mother’s frail hand. 

He felt a huge surge of relief at the realization that his mother was already receiving the best treatment ever, because he recognized the doctor immediately.

The doctor was a popular man whom many people wished they could get treated by him because of his wide expanse of experience, but only a few people could afford him. 

“She’s still sleeping, doc?” The matured looking man asked the doctor.

“Yes, she is. But, her vitals are starting to come back to live.” The doctor responded, and Richardson felt extremely grateful for the treatment his mother was now getting. 

There was now a high chance of his mother recovering, now that she was being treated by this particular doctor. 

The matured looking man turned towards him when the doctor wasn’t in earshot any longer and spoke.

“Now, can we talk about our business?”

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