Chapter Twenty-three

“I agree with Mr. Dougles”, the lady director of administration said.

“I also agree”

“It's fair”

“I agree as well”

“It's absolutely unnecessary!”, Charlie's voice rose above the others.

“The election dates will be rescheduled, Mr. Charlie.”, Mr. Dougles stern voice said, looking Charlie in the eye.

“And communicated to everyone”

Charlie sucked in, anger burning through his veins like a lit gas pipe. He settled into his chair, a sly, irritating smile at the corners of his lips.

“Congratulations Mr. Alistair. You have yourself three months so do well to make the most of it. Thank you partners, shareholder and directors for being here. This meeting is adjourned”, the chairman said with a note of finality, getting to his feet. The others stood up after him, leaving with their various personal assistants. Alistair had delayed Layla's resumption, feeling a little guilty that she'd been dragged into his new life of uncertain danger. Well, good thing he had Nathan.

Charlie stood up to leave,
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