Don't you know when to stop?

The next day at work. Ryan lay his head on the desk, and flashed back to what happened the previous day.

It was sad that Damien also thinks he could do such a thing. Somehow, he wished his father isn't involved, he wish he could just walk away from the contract, but he couldn't, unless it was coming from Damien himself, there was no way, he could watch and allow his father go to Jail, for something he could do on his own, his mother would laugh at him, and Julianna would never stop laughing.

After the days work, Ryan wanted to see Damien for the last time before going home, for he doesn't know how to act or what to do, but as soon as he got close to the office, he could hear them having a heated argument, about him. Ryan was frustrated. The fact that he is in the middle of it all, was tiring.

"Dad, you cannot possibly mean that? How am I supposed to live in the same house with a man like that? Alexander was crying, while Lindsay was furious. She had never liked Alex, and they had ne
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