Why show up now?

The anger in his heart was melted down immediately, when he reached the house, and sees that she was actually nursing his father, for he was coughing profusely, that he even coughed blood. She didn't seem to notice him, it was his father that noticed him standing by the door, and called out to him, before she turned to look at him, but she looked away immediately. She administered his pills, and soon he was relaxed.

"Where is your nurse Dad? Ryan was more worried about that, as he took a step inside, and shut the door, it is already too late for their doors to still be opened.

"When Juliana came, and said she would spend the night here, the nurse decided to go and attend to some personal problems, but she will be back tomorrow, you don't have to worry, she was with me since morning".

Ryan sighed with relief, for he would have asked questions, wondering already, if they stopped the nurse.

After a few more minutes, Mr Scott was sleeping and snoring loudly, it is just an hour to midni
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