meeting Juliana again

Annie stared long at the closed door, before looking back at her friend. "Somehow, I think he is sincere. what if someone is trying to frame him? She asked and Alexander eyed her. "Who would want to frame a poor boy like him. He has nothing, his parents have nothing, he was born into a poor family and only agreed to this marriage because he needs money, so his type, can never be satisfied, he would always want more. He has nothing, so why will anyone, frame a duns? She had a point, since the marriage was a contract, he is in her life for the money and the benefits, so there is no way, he wouldn't want to do any other thing to get more money, even if it is to show the world, the part of Alexander, that she didn't want the world to see.

"But why didn't you destroy the picture, after the other surgeries? Annie asked, wondering why anyone would want to keep something, she herself doesn't want to see.

"I didn't want to keep it, but that image had a bracelet in it. It belonged to my mother,
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