"Get out of my office!

The next day looked promising, for when he visited his father before leaving for work, he looked brighter than he had been the previous day.

It encouraged Ryan to work more, that whatever the Brick family was giving to his father to help him get well, they needed to continue, so that he recovers fully.

He left for work, feeling happy.

But when he got to work, he didn't feel the usual welcome vibe he got the other day, Something was definitely off.

Everyone was looking at him like he didn't something wrong, more like they don't know him, as he walked in slowly into his office after parking his car, he walked slowly into his office, wondering why everyone was staring at him as such, but since he doesn't know so many people yet, he didn't know whom to ask about what was going on. The look they were giving him was worrisome.

When he got to his office, he was even scared to sit down, he looked around him and those that are supposed to be working, were busy, looking at him like he had som
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