"This is what I have to do! I came for business not sentiment".

Ryan walked back straight into his office, expecting to find an empty office, but he was surprised to find Damien Brick in his office, and he dropped a key on his table.

Ryan looked shocked at him, wondering what the key is for, and he smiles, before saying. "This is officially your car key to the Royce parked outside". Though he would have preferred the small car he had been driving, he remembered that he had told himself that what he came to do is work, and he wouldn't add sentiment to it. He doesn't know how everyone would feel, when they find out he had sex with Lindsay a night before his marriage to Alexander, they may not listen to him, they may push him away, and he might be left with nothing, so he needed to be smart, to acquire, all that is needed, before the contract ends, if for nothing, for the sake of his father.

"Thank you sir". He says, and Damien handed him the papers to the car, and his name was boldly written on every document.

"I will be leaving now, thank you onc
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