You are playing with fire!

Looking straight into Lindsay unwavering eyes, Ryan demanded that she sits comfortably, because his questions will be long, and will need her to answer him, so that as a family, they could find out what is really happening.

Ryan made her feel he was speaking with her in a friendly manner, but that was because of the presence of Damien Brick who seem to be loving every bit of what he was doing.

Ryan loving the look on Lindsay's face, he brought out the files he had with him, his files are nearly stacked, he had actually walked into the bosses office prepared while he was going through his files, Lindsay wore a confident smile, but one could always tell that she was scared. And the way Damien was looking at her, she could feel her confident wavering.

Lindsay was trying really hard to maintain her composure, especially since her husband was very much around, and was not giving her the lovey dovy eye, he was giving her the suspicious look.

"Like I said, I have been reviewing the expen
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